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What are you drawing? by pandapaco

What are you drawing?


I did this picture for an event on Guadalajara, that it's going to take place next saturday April 30th. Here in Mexico, that day is the children's day.

The furry event is going to be about drawing, it doesn't matter if people don't know how to draw or don't consider themselves as skilled for the drawing, is just to have fun, do some doodles without caring if they do it good or wrong, because we don't have to care about that, not worrying how it looks, but just thinking and do it. This way, drawing turns relaxing, also for skilled artists, who always attempt to capture perfection and sometimes that takes hours, some of them get stressed for that, and that's not the point of my event. The goal of this event is to return when we were kids and just enjoy translating our ideas, thoughts, or share what we like.

If you are interested on the event, and you are from Guadalajara, Mexico or a city close there, ask me and I can invite you, sharing you the info.
If you are interested on doing an event like this, go ahead, this is interesting for many furs :D

I think this picture is ironic with this toony character who is enjoying drawing musclefurs, what do you think his mom is going to say when he shows her those drawings?

Traditional art.

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Visual / Traditional