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TAA Screenshot - Sasu-Ne by Oreana

TAA Screenshot - Sasu-Ne


You ain't seen hairpins until you've seen Layla-Ne's mother...phew. I need to stop making intricate ass characters that I know I'll only draw when I want to torture myself.

Standing in the wannabe Lion King backdrop, is Layla-Ne's mother, who will be mentioned now and again in The Arcane Assassin. Sasu-Ne dies the same way she does in the normal zone for Layla-Ne/Wildfire--she burns alive trying to save Stephan-Ne, her youngest daughter, from their inn, which is attacked by the Dark Egg Legion.

If you're seeing a trend with Layla-Ne's family members and offspring, your eyes are deceiving you. I kid--I'd like to believe that Layla-Ne's family was actually bred to maintain the white echidna look regarding geishas since I imagine white fur gives off a better appeal than white makeup plastered on your face. Sasu-Ne did break away from the tradition, as does Layla-Ne, obviously, as they marry/mate who they choose.

Sasu-Ne's attire is actually a dark plum/ purple color, but with the screen effect of a sunset on top, it looks different. Sorry about that. ;P

Layla-Ne's 'diary'/thoughts that will be written in the first chapter of TAA regarding the one woman's face she will never forget: her mother.

Sasu-Ne/art: Oreana

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Visual / Digital