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The Shortest Skinhead Phase in Teenage History by OddOly

The Shortest Skinhead Phase in Teenage History


In which I try to make an educational comic about history and it turns out not funny... as most of history actually is.

I try not to write too many dialogue-driven stories but I've been listening to too much BBC Radio Four lately.

And because people on the Internet likes to assume ridiculous things based on other people's posts, I have never approved of Nazis or any kind of similar movement and I know that initially British skinheads were not a racial movement but this is all irrelevant because Jarvis is 16 years old, really gullible and probably just watched some movie intended for people who know not to mistake things they see in fiction for the complete truth of life.

And if you're wondering if those posters could be any cheesier, no, I pretty much went all the way, clipart only, I like to think the people who taught me graphic design at the university felt a mysterious urge to weep the entire time I was working on that. c:

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Cop Story © Oly R.

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    Haha, that's actually funny. I love the overreal cynism in the theme.
    Teens are easily convinced into shit, like I told ya before, I draw (or used to) nazis, and got popular because of it, and a lot of kids misunderstood my message, and believed in nazis because of me, I told em I liked the history side, and beside, being a black french guy that would be kinda stupid to be a nazi, yet, the kids were "but nazis are so cool! and you draw them!" holly sh- no! Some even become super agressive, and even trying to white-knight me against those who came on my page saying I WAS A NAZI. Dude, I was so disapointed. Thanks, some people watched me for my art, for my friendship, not because I drew Hitler in a tutu.
    Anyway, I don't like agressive "fandom" like this, and it scares me that such communities still exist, and when i'm talking about such communities is guys wishing Hitler could go back and kill people, agreeing some races were inferior, etc. I saw this on tumblr, proud tumblr nazis, wow!

    Anyway, Love how you timed the comic, its perfect, I love how the colors are all HAPPY AND CUTE AND FLOWERY yet the theme is serious XD
    Those posters reminds me of my first year in my CGI school :'D

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      Yeah, teens being daft is one thing (honestly, we all were some kind of stupid when we were that age), people actually following a political movement nearly entire world is against is another. It boggles my mind that someone can actually think racism and such can be right.

      And thanks! :) Yeah, that's pretty much how their school is - all happy and flowery with cheesy posters, and most staff treats them like toddlers but actually life is a complicated mess when you're a teenager, disabled or not. So I'm glad it's noticeable, it's one of the points I was trying to make. It drove me nuts when I was that age, how we were expected to think of serious stuff, from history and politics to our own futures but the minute you went over some invisible line everyone was keen to remind you that no, you're still just a kid.

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    I feel guilty for laughing so much at those posters. I never ran into this crowd during my teenage years, thankfully. Spent most of my teen years moving from hotel to hotel anyway, but as Jews my family tended to keep me away from that stuff.

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      Don't feel guilty, they are awful posters! I've seen a number a posters on inclusiveness and such by now and honestly only very few don't make me cringe. I mean I dunno, maybe it works for some other people but I can't wrap my mind around it. I don't understand how posters like that can make anyone feel any better, both disabled and not. To be fair, I don't have any ideas of good posters, I don't think that people start believing something more if you slap it on a big paper. Television, books and papers - maybe, but not many people are keen to do that.

      One kid I was in high school with decided he was a skinhead at some point. My reaction was similar to this comic - like, have you checked which country we're in and what would Nazis do with people who lived there?

      And woah, moving from hotel to hotel sounds interesting! I only moved once in my life (well, actually more, but I don't remember earlier ones). It was stressful back then but now I sometimes miss this feeling of settling in a new place.

      And honestly, I'm glad I got a reaction of someone Jewish because uh, I don't think any subjects should be avoided but I know talking about WWII stirs up a lot of bad memories (my family has some of those and I know there's a lot of families who faced worse things then).

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        I've lost count of how many hotels I've been in and how many times I've moved. We were on the extreme end of things, and it has very much affected my life and development. I have no idea what an "anchor" is, except I get nostalgic for Minnesota (which I shouldn't because I didn't have the best of times) and I really, really, really miss the West coast (which I can move back to, but that's a huge can of worms). Aaaanyways.

        Jews are uh... sensitive people, yeah; for good reason, but it's a deeply complicated issue. Frankly I'm a really poor representation of Jews, because I think a lot of what goes on in Israel is pretty not so good. Everyone in that region is wrong, but nobody wants to admit it. I went to university with a large amount of Jews and I generally had to keep my mouth shut because if you said anything that could be remotely conceived "anti-Jewish" (i.e., anything besides "Israel is right"), you'd have half the campus shitting down your throat.

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          Sometimes I think moving like that is better than sticking to one place but I dunno, really, I guess it's mostly wanting something I never tried. I also know I like keeping pets and having a desktop computer and a ton of books and that's really hard to do when you're on the move. When you say extreme end of things, do you mean artsy kind of environment or more like "life sucks" extreme, if you don't mind me asking?

          And yeah, I get it about complicated issue. I'm generally pro-Israel but I know that when it comes to politics nobody can be 100% right and there's a lot of bad people involved on any side. Plus some situations have roots in history with bunches of old mistakes that are impossible to fix completely no matter what you do - what goes on in Crimea right now is a good example, I can't see a good outcome there no matter what happens. But yeah, I can understand how people can get sensitive about it too, there's a lot of pain involved.

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            I've come to the realization that the grass is always greener on the other side, no matter what the perspective is. I want what people have had all their lives (a "home", growing up in one place), and they want what I've had, with all my traveling and getting to see most of the country + some international traveling. The more you see, though, the less ignorant you are about the rest of the world... I've lost track of how often I get pissed off for people not giving a crap about the rest of the world because "it doesn't affect them." It's not like you have to travel to understand the world's a big place, but I digress.

            Oh, by extreme end I meant that we really moved a lot for about a period of 2 1/2 years, all in hotels are temporarily rented houses. Coast to coast. It was a pretty extreme way to grow for a few years. It... makes me an interesting person I guess? It had its share of both negative and positive effects, but really the worst part is that the whole experience took me out of Oregon when I was really coming into my own at the start of my teen years. Too much random life story to muck up your comments with though, haha. Basically I spent those years on my laptop and living out of a small suitcase with a single stuffed animal, hanging out on the internet because "my friends went wherever I did."

            Mmhm, nothing good is going to come out of the Crimea situation, and there's really nobody that can make Russia accountable for its actions. On Israel, Israel is extremely aggressive and always will be one provocation away from stomping whoever is pissing them off. If Romney had won the last US presidential election, him and Netanyahu would have been political butt buddies that would have pushed more military action onto the West Bank and would have really escalated shit down there, disregarding all the other events that have popped up in the Middle East since then.

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              I can see how something like that can be both a positive and a negative experience and yeah, you're right about seeing the world as a whole. It really annoys me - we have whole Internet right now to see places we could never see before, and people on tumblr still assume the entire world like is whatever small American town they live in. I mean sometimes I try not to think about news and politics because it's scary and I can't affect it much but I try to understand things in context and not just assume that everyone and everything is the same.

              Wow, man, I'm really enjoying talking on weasyl, I'm having the most intelligent conversations here, especially compared to DA, FA and tumblr. Or maybe I'm just lucky when it comes to people watching my art. :]

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                It's mostly willful ignorance, in my experience. Even in my university, you'd only ever hear snarky responses about the media always lying (yes they have agendas and spin things, no not everything is a lie), or things too far away to affect their daily life, with like no grasp of how the world is interconnected whatsoever. I'd say it's their loss, but this is what our upcoming world is going to be populated and controlled by... it's a scary thought.

                I'm glad your experience is positive so far on here. :) I deal with a lot of uglier stuff with my Weasyl duties, so it's nice to get away from it all and just chill with some people in random comments here and there, hidden away. Definitely think you're a bit lucky to have run into the right people, though! Your art seems like it would attract certain kinds of people that would be capable of higher thought; it's very different. I actually linked someone to you the other day who was asking about unusual artists on Weasyl, stuff from the average fare. Not sure if he visited, but you've definitely got your own thing going on.

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                  Yeah, I uh... I sort of dislike tumblr mobs who start raging over news but ignorance and indifference are pretty scary too.

                  And aw, thank you! :) I hope he visited but even if he didn't, thank you so much for recommending me. Though when it comes to higher thought sometimes I do pretty stupid jokes too, just a warning. XD

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                    Never been on Tumblr, never will be. Not my crowd.

                    It's my pleasure. Nah, that's fine. I just said that it would attract people capable of higher thought, doesn't mean that has to be necessary all the time lol.

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    Ohhh this gave me a good laugh! I knew a kid in high school just like this; he was one of those artists that draws furry Nazis and had an upsetting amount of interest and knowledge about guns. Unfortunately, he never grew out of the "phase". >__>;

    I admit he brushed off on me some, though it was purely an aesthetic thing. I liked the uniforms and thought they were fun to draw, but once I grew bored of them I moved on. I can't understand people that actually follow the movement though. Never have, never will, never want to.

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      Hah, same! I've seen kids like that (never was close to any of them but I just never had many friends period) and they always puzzled me - like, "have you checked which country we are living in, you know what would happen to our grandparents if things went differently ...right?"

      I don't think Nazis are a taboo subject and I think it's okay to draw them and uh, try to figure out what made people join such a cruel movement and how they handled it but like you I can't understand people actually supporting such views.

      For Jarvis it's a phase that last about as much as this page. I don't know if I will mention this moment in the main storyline at all but generally Jarvis is a nice but gullible kid and wouldn't hurt a fly even if he had enough motor skills to do it.