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Crumble by Nomax



Commission done for :Bruma(on FA) of his character! Thank you very much :)

I don't get to draw a more modern military setting often, so this was actually a rather nice treat, along with the challange of trying to get a sort of war-torn building in there since it's another thing i don't draw a whole lot. So all in all just a picture with a good mix of more relaxing and well known elements while sprinkling just enough things in there to keep me on my toes! Lighting setup doesn't really make aaaaaaaany sense when you think about it, but a strong movie-style rimlight just looked kinda nice and fitting.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    Beautiful work here, some really stunning stuff!

    • Link

      Thank you very much!

  • Link

    I like the tactical loin-cloth.

    But, yeah, really neat stuff. Not a typical setting for you to draw!

    • Link

      Thank you, and of course, Tactical loincloths are absolutely vital!

  • Link

    You know, I've always kind of liked the "barbaric" look of things in post-apocalyptic settings where you've got obviously modern accessories and the like, yet little is worn.

    • Link

      Mhm, it's not something you see all that often as well. I feel like in most cases it's just regular modern stuff or just straight up i've-glued-some-wood-and-a-car-tyre-together-to-make-some-armor type of post apocalyptic stuff. But that might have to do with my own media consumption as well.

      • Link

        Hah! Yeah. Fallout captures both of those quite nicely with things like power armor and military surplus vs. the Mad Max stylings of the raiders.

  • Link

    I like the visible wear in the building in the background. The monochrome background makes the character stand out the most, but even so there's plenty of detail in what's behind too.
    And again, interesting looking character, equipped with lots of weapons and belts.

    • Link

      Thank you very much! :)

  • Link

    At the point of a gun is where civilization ceased.