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Dandified Noel by NoelTheChristmasCat

Dandified Noel


I’m back guys. At least I had an excuse for the lurker mode this time, with the comp being shopped, but I managed to keep working on my laptop while gone, and got a few significant things to show.

So let’s start with my sona. Yep, I decided to do one more, really quick redesign of Noel. There’s a few changes and I’ll talk about the basics first: I went back to cell shading for one thing (practicing painted has really benefitted my background work, but it’s getting tiresome to do on characters.) but I’ve also been experimenting with adding a gradient effect to some of the colours now. It really makes some things stand out and look more 3 dimensional.

For Noel, I’ve made him a bit more slender (wish I could get that thin in real life right about now) and the proportions look more believable. That, I think, was my biggest mistake with some of those older designs: I was designing him to look more like a fursuit then a real living being.

But that’s not all. It might not show too significantly with this pic, or maybe you’re already seeing it? My art styles gone through quite a big change in the last few months, but I’ll go into that with more detail elsewhere.

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