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Law of Kanya - The Family Secret Chapter 9 by NoelTheChristmasCat

Law of Kanya
Episode 1: The Family Secret
By Josh Buckby

Chapter 9

Time passed by slowly. Benita had insisted, rather forcefully, on her staying inside that room for the time being. Confined and left dumfounded about what to do, Kelly sat and moped on one of the beds for what easily felt like an eternity.
She was alienated just looking at her own reflection from across the room. She had to have the most jarring luck in the universe; After putting up with dogs being terrified or savage to her for a good chunk of her life, this just seemed like fate laying it on.
“Why me?” she mumbled softly. “Why of all things did I have to end up stuck like this?”
Now that she was aware she’d changed, things were awkward. Any feeling in her tail was sensed all they way up her spine, and it was hard to control. Every now and again it would tickle the back of her neck as an uneasy reminder of it’s existence.
On top of that, just walking on two legs felt like a chore now. They’d become extra jointed, leaving her standing on her toes just like high heeled shoes. For a girl, it was surprisingly out of her comfort zone. She wore heels occasionally, out at clubs with Ricky, or on the job to look more formal for her bosses.
Of course high heels had never been quite this poised. Kelly felt like a bird every time she looked down, like her legs were bending the wrong way even though she could clearly feel they weren’t. It wasn’t as uncomfortable as she’d imagined, and if she propped against something for support, the weight eased. Walking like this all the time was going to grate on her nerves.
It had been so uneasy that Kelly had been tempted to drop to all fours several times just to see if it would be any better, and that started her wondering if there were there any side effects to this. Was she going to start bounding around on all fours without knowing it, chasing sticks and barking at mailman?
Oh no… what about aging? Most canines barely lived past ten years, so what did that mean for her? Was she already aging faster? If that was true, it was too much for her to handle. It made her skin crawl thinking about it.
“Hey, wait a minute,” she huffed, looking at her reflection again. Weren’t dogs colour-blind? “I’m orange! My fur’s orange! I can still see in colour!”
It was something Kelly had taken for granted, and boy was she glad. She might have fainted all over again if the moment she opened her eyes, everything was grey and brown.
Her eyes… It was hard to look directly into their reflection. Her pupil’s barely showed no matter how she rolled them or what direction she glanced, but the soft, black markings of fur that surrounded them gave the impression they had inverted colour. They looked frightfully alien and she still had trouble believing they were hers.
They were blue, though. The exact same shade she’d had as a human. It was a comfort, however small.
From the looks of things, Benita and the others were just like her biologically. So if aging held out, it looked like she still had all of her human essentials. “I’m a little lucky then.” she murmured self-encouragingly.
“Psst… Hey!”
What was that? Kelly glanced over her shoulder and out the window. A pair of black ears and paws propped into view on the window sill.
“Is she gone?”
Kelly looked round uneasily. “You mean Benita? Um… I think so.”
Two cute little canines that looked like a fluffy huskies jumped up to the window, along with a third that resembled Nuran. They were only children, far smaller then her. Wide eyed with their mouths hanging open in a smile, Kelly almost giggled at how much they looked just like puppies.
“See?” one bragged, kind of a pudgy little thing. “Told you we could sneak around.”
“Okay so I owe you!” groaned the one that had whispered to Kelly.
The little girl pouted. “And what about me? I was right about her being here, wasn’t I? Don’t I get credit?”
Kelly had never really had the courage to approach puppies, fearing the same savage snaps as all other dogs she’d ever met. It was nice to see some little ones up close, even if this was a twist from the norm.
“You three are kinda cute.” she smiled, making the boys ears fold back as if embarrassed. “Just what are you up to?”
“Sorry,” the other, politer puppy answered. “Benita won’t let anyone in, but we wanted to see if it was true. What they were saying about you. Wow… You’ve got the symbol and everything!”
She glanced back down at the half covered cross on her chest. “I.. guess I do.” she stammered uneasily.
“What’s your name?” he further pressed.
“Um, it’s Kelly, actually.”
“I’ve never heard that name before. It sounds sweet.”
“It sounds weird,” The girl scoffed. “It sounds like it’s meant to be a boy’s name!”
“That might be because it usually is!” Kelly grumbled. Funny how she even had that problem among the canine world. On the other hand, The accent really gave the girl away. “You wouldn’t be Nuran’s sister, by any chance? So what’s your name, then?”
The girl leapt up to the window, pushing between the boys. “It’s Suri, and don’t go forgetting it! I helped my bro bring you back here, after all!” She smiled rather smugly, but the boys just sniggered behind her back.
“Not the way he tells it, flower hugger!”
“I told you to stop calling me that, Sheba!” Suri pouted. “Oh, but we’ve got something for you, you know!”
Kelly grumbled and knew what was coming. She didn’t know whether to be happy or furious to find a bundle of blue fur pressed up to the window. Suri had one paw firmly around raggedy old Benjamin. Kelly just couldn’t seem to get away from him today, no matter where she ended up.
She blushed as Suri and Sheba snickered. “I had that when you found me? Thank you for keeping it safe then…”
Suri suddenly pulled away out of reach as Kelly tried to take back her childhood toy.
“Hey! That’s mine!” Kelly exclaimed. “Give it back!”
“Aren’t you just a little too old?” Suri giggled.
“I said give it back!” Kelly snapped angrily. “It’s mine! My dad gave me that when I was four!”
“Okay I will, if you promise to help us fight Lord Malik!”
Her and Sheba laughed, leaving Kelly flustered.
“What?! No, I’m not fighting anyone! Why would I want to fight Malik?”
“Um… Hello?!” Suri moaned, making googly eyes. “Evil dark overlord trying to take over the world and enslave us?”
“Don’t forget the dragon!” Sheba whimpered. “Mum keeps telling me he’s got a giant fire breathing beast on his side, but I’ve never really seen it in person…”
“Yeah, it’s just a story, that’s why!” the other boy protested.
“No it’s not!” Suri added. “We’ve seen him, me and my brother! He’s enormous, and they aren’t friends with anyone! So will you promise us, huh Kelly?”
When the other boy turned back, he realised Kelly was listening to their bickering too intently. She didn’t know whether to take their words with a grain of salt or not. It all sounded too overwhelming to be true.
“Hey, I don’t think she’s joking!” the boy gasped. “You’ve… You’ve really never heard of Malik before, have you?”
They all looked at one another uneasily. Kelly didn’t know what to say…
“HEY! That’s quite enough!”
They all jumped for dear life as a tray slammed down beside the window sill, and Suri and the boys darted into the ferns behind the hut squealing. Kelly groaned loudly as her prized toy vanished with them. She had been far too distracted to notice Benita creep back into the room.
“That’s quite enough of that!” Benita snapped, dragging a thick hide across the window like a curtain. “Honestly, the way everyone’s acting right now is unbearable!”
“She had that toy of mine!” Kelly said angrily, leaping off the bed.
“You can get it back later, can’t you? I’m sorry, but there’s too much gossip going round at the moment for idle chatter. You don’t need to add to it.”
“Oh, so I’m a big mouth, am I?”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Once again, Benita paused as she got a clear look at her. “Did you really find those just loose in there?” she asked, pointing at the upturned drawer.
“What? You mean the dress?” Kelly tugged at the white tops’ shoulder strap. “Yeah – are they yours?”
“Used to be. I thought I tossed them away years ago.” She tilted her head in admiration. “They… suit you remarkably well, you know.”
Kelly could see that familiar smile creeping back. She really wanted to be able to take that as a compliment, but all she could do was hang her head limply, frown and grumble.
“I’m not planning to get comfortable, you know!” she snapped. “The sooner I’m out of this fuzzy lil’ body and back to being human, the better!”
“Ah right, of course.” Benita smiled, leaning down and nudging her ribs. “Yes this ‘change’ must be quite traumatic?”
Kelly hunched over even more. “This is awkward…” she moaned, stumbling a step backwards to demonstrate. “I feel like I’m walking on stilts! And if this thing tickles my neck one more time…” She latched onto her tail, which seemed to have a mind of its own. “How do you all get around like this?”
Benita was having a hard time standing steadily herself. “You’re doing a very skilful job, trying to convince me you’re human! I understand if you have a reason, but I meant what I said. You can trust us.”
“For the last time, this isn’t an act! I am human, and so are my…my friends!”
“Evan and Ricky!” Kelly whimpered, suddenly pacing madly. “Oh no! What if this happened to them too? They could be anywhere out there and I’d never even recognize them!”
Benita at once chuckled. “Oh, this is getting good! So your family are suppose to be humans too?”
“NO!” she snapped again, louder then ever. “Stop it! It’s not funny anymore!”
Kelly felt like curling up in a ball and crying. She very nearly did as she slumped back down on the bed. “Why won’t you believe me?” she whimpered.
Benita, at last trying to be considerate, sprang onto the rugs beside her. “It’s not like I haven’t believed some ridiculous things over the years, Kelly.” she answered. “And I’m not ridiculing your concern for your family. I’d never do that. This just sounds like you might have bumped your head a bit too hard.”
“Yeah, and it oozed out into the wrong body.”
Benita chuckled again. “Take your mind off it for now. I got you something: Thought it might help you feel better if you ate.”
Kelly looked down at the tray Benita had carried in, a faint and familiar smell drifting up. She almost couldn’t believe what she saw on it. Was that…
“Carrot Cake?!” she exclaimed.
“It’s a little old.” Benita laughed. “I can’t really make the time to bake a fresh batch right now.”
She tipped one crumbling shape into Kelly’s waiting paws. Kelly tucked in, and didn’t regret it. It was beautiful, sweet, warm carrot cake, and she couldn’t help but gobble it down fast enough.
“My dad used to make cake like this!” she revealed between mouthfuls. “Every second Saturday for lunch!”
“I’m glad you like it. I learned to bake when I was a child, but my mother never told me what it was called. I guess I can stick with that.”
“You didn’t know its name?” Kelly asked. “Well that’s easy: just ask her!”
Benita glanced away. “I’m afraid I can’t. I don’t know where my family is anymore.”
Kelly swallowed hard at Benita’s reply. “What? I thought they lived somewhere here, with you?”
“No, I haven’t seen them in years.” she muttered, her eyes drifting. “I started travelling with this tribe, and I just fell out of touch. Heh, tribe. I think you’ve figured out we’re not out here entirely by choice.”
“But you’re not criminals?” she pressed again.
“We are rebellious, but we’re not criminals Kelly, and I hope you believe me when I say that. We’re more like exiles.”
“I believe you.” Kelly sighed, taking another mouthful of cake. “Because of Malik?”
“Yes. For one reason or another, but always because we chose not to join his empire. We fled instead. Came here, to the south, far from where he rules. He controls most of our lands now.”
“Is your home far away from here?”
“Well, for me it is, but I come from a different place to most folks here. I heard Malik hadn’t touched it yet but, well…” She sighed and kicked softly at the air. “I still wonder how their all doing sometimes. If my dad’s still as stubborn, or if my sister ever went back there. Her and I used to be the best team once.”
“I know what you mean.” Kelly answered with a big smile. “My big brother and I used to be inseparable…”
Her smile quickly disappeared and something else, very peculiar indeed, happened. Kelly felt her long ears twist limply against the back of her head, just like it had for the little puppies. Try as she might, she couldn’t will them straight again. It wasn’t long before Benita reached over and pressed on her shoulder.
“What’s the matter Kelly? You’re not still scared of me are you?”
“Huh?” Kelly asked in confusion. “Oh no it’s not you! That’s odd. I was thinking about something else.” She tried in vain several more times to straighten her ears, then even physically hold them up with her hands, to no avail. Giving up, she looked away from Benita in sadness.
“My brother’s not around anymore.” she whispered.
“Oh.” Benita murmured, covering her mouth with one hand. “I’m so sorry. If it’s alright, can I ask how it happened?”
“It was… a fire...” Kelly reluctantly revealed.
“No… I’m so sorry. You’re far too young to deserve such a tragic thing.”
“…And what’s that supposed to mean?” Kelly growled, without thinking first. “You saying I can’t handle it? Hey, when it happened, I was much younger then I am now! I got over it a long time ago, okay?”
Her ears pricked back up, alerting her to and making her regret her sudden outburst. Kelly didn’t mean to lash out, and she buried her face behind her hands shamefully. It came instinctively after so many years of consoling. Whenever someone spoke about her brother, it always sounded patronizing to her, even if their intentions were good.
She was sorry, but too proud to admit it.
Benita was left naturally flustered, and glanced away. “I see… well, you’re a very strong girl then.” She murmured awkwardly after a noticeable silence.
Kelly sighed. “That’s why I wanted that thing back from Suri.” she went on, trying to soften her voice to make up for not apologizing. “That toy it… it kinda reminds me of him. All that fun we had before he died, all those stories we used to tell. And she had to take it! She told me she wouldn’t give it back unless I helped you guys fight… Malik…”
Wait just a moment!
How in the world had it taken her this long to realise? Werewolves battling against an evil black knight and a dragon? This sounded an awful lot like…
“Did she now?” Benita huffed. “That’s bratty, even for her! I’ll make sure she apologises later! The nerve of her.”
“Werewolves… It can’t be!” Kelly muttered, as if in a trance.
“There’s that word again. What does it mean?”
“Werewolf?” Kelly asked, leaving her stupor.
“You were calling me that before.” Benita explained. “And you called yourself a dog. Malik calls us that, so I know it can’t mean anything good.”
“You don’t know what it means? But it’s…” Kelly’s cheeks went red. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it in a bad way! Those are what your called, isn’t it?”
“Not even close. I’m a Skota.”
“A Skota?”
“Mhm! And Makara, and just about everyone else in the camp.”
“Okay.” Kelly said softly. “So what about Nuran? Is he a Skota too?”
“Heavens no!” Benita blushed. “Though I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if he was! No, he’s a Madraki. He and his sister are the only ones around here.” She raised an eyebrow. “You really don’t know much about our cultures, do you?
“Not much at all, but I think I get it!” Kelly cried, piecing it together in her mind. “They’re like breeds. No, I meant what are you all called altogether? As a species?”
Finally, she appeared to have struck a cord. Benita looked nerve-wracked as Kelly asked the question. Her big eyes widening, she started staring at Kelly in the same way as the children and Suri had.
“Heavens, child! You really don’t know, do you?”
Kelly wanted more then anything to leap up and shout “That’s what I’ve been telling you!” loud as an elephant, but all she could muster herself to do was shiver and nod uneasily.
“But… It’s impossible that you wouldn’t know this! Haven’t you been wondering why they were pushing their way in here to see you?”
“Of course, but…”
“There’s a reason why every single Kanyan on the planet will want to meet you!”
…She knew it.
“Every WHAT?!”
Kanyan. She’d feared it from the moment she made the connection. Kelly’s brain was spinning as she leapt to her feet. “You really just said that, didn’t you?” she demanded in a deep, desperate voice. “Kanyan?! You mean I’m a… you’re all Kanyan?!”
The fear was gone from Benita’s eyes now. She seemed to be drifting off into her own little space. For Kelly however, her desperation was growing more by the moment. Her mind was reeling from it all.
“He… knew!” she stammered in revelation. “Oh my god, my brother knew about all of you, didn’t he? Was he going to come here through that portal? Was he going to help you?!”
Benita hadn’t really payed attention, but her eyes were filled with resolve as she shoved herself off the bed. “Okay, Kelly… I believe you. You’re a human.”
Kelly staggered back. “What?”
“Yes. Yes I do.”
“Just like that? I don’t buy it!” She crossed her arms. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t blame you after all I said!” Benita pleaded with her. “A very close friend of mine told me, however, that one day something like this might happen.”
“Something like this?” Kelly said, pessimistically.
“A Kanyan who would one day reveal themselves, knowing very little about us, but claiming the impossible.” Benita announced methodically. “I’m paraphrasing, but it was similar. I always thought it was some kind of wishful thinking he passed off on me.”
“Wait, this doesn’t sound right…” Kelly went on, clutching her head. “Are you telling me someone actually knew, in advance, I would end up here?”
“I think so, yes!” Benita exclaimed, her eyes open wide. “Look, I don’t know anymore then you do if this is what he meant, but if I’m expected to believe the impossible, then okay. You’re human. I’ll bite.”
“You really mean it?” Kelly asked.
“The moment we leave here, I need to get you to my friend. He’ll know what to do...”
Kelly covered her ears as a piercing and painful sound, somewhat like a fire alarm, reached them, and brought a swift end to their conversation. Benita did the same, but only briefly, clearly more used to hearing it then her.
“What… What is that?” Kelly reeled.
The noise lasted only a few more seconds but it had cut through the air like a knife. Kelly’s thoughts as she recovered were suddenly drowned out by what seemed like hundreds of desperate screams and shouts from outside.
“That was our alarm, Kelly… They’re here. Malik’s army is here!”

Law of Kanya - The Family Secret Chapter 9


Chapter 9. Another little bit more expositioning here, hopefully having points to them at least. And there’s hopefully a lot of character building here then in the last. I think when I get into Suri more often, she is going to be one of those characters that will polarise a love her/want to strangle her mentality.