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New Mom W.I.P by ninjawolf160

New Mom W.I.P


"Oh no" Lucky groaned, distraught at the sight of his gigantic belly. "I didn't think I would start to show until months later! What am I to do now, master will surely find out soon. Oh no, no, no this won't do" the young mutt muttered to himself.

You see, young Lucky here has been hiding a dire secret from him owner. Like many domesticated canines, Lucky was gifted with the power to birth life. Although Lucky was non to happy to have this gift, a curse was more like it. He had hoped the gift would skip him, but sadly it didn't. He had reached sexual maturity when he turned nineteen. He had his first heat a couple of months after that and only manage to evade his master if it wasn't for the help of the other male slaves.Like every years since then, Lucky has hidden himself away from his master whenever he came into heat. But, it did not work this year. After eight years of keeping it a secret, Lucky slipped. His master began to notice his patter of week long absences every year. Always around the same time month of November.
So his master locked him up in a cage in his room this year. His master thought he was sneaking around with other males in the village. So he kept Lucky in his room, and pleasured his body til near torture. His master would ignore the other slaves and focus pouring all his frustrations into Lucky's body. The large wolf always making sure to stay pent up for his lucky little pup. Lucky had not cared, because he was fully under the control of his heat and let his master do as he pleased.

Because he was so obedient, his master let him out of the cage once December came tumbling in. But, by then it was already to late and the seeds had been planted into the soil. Lucky thought he could escape the terrible faith of birth by simply taking a remedy made by one of the older slaves. But by the third month he started to notice that his belly wasn't growing due to a strange sudden increase in appetite. He tried to ignore it, hide it, taking even more of the remedy to rid of it. Nothing worked and he kept getting bigger. Now he was five months and the once small bump was now a large gut.

He couldn't leave his room, not while looking like this. He wasn't afraid of his masters reaction to it, no that wasn't the problem at all. Poor Lucky just didn't want his child to be taken away from him and sold away like property. He didn't want his child to live his whole life a slave, just like him.

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