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Wood Duck WIP by Nimure

Wood Duck WIP


Sorry for the missed week in posting! I was expectedly busy this last week/weekend, however, I quite unexpectedly found myself without signal, preventing me from posting. I decided to wait until I got back, and figured I'd update the planned posting with the newest WIP (I literally just took this picture like, 5 minutes ago, as soon as the paint dried enough to get a quick photo).

This is a wood duck I started a couple years ago and am finally working on finishing. I'm hoping (fingers crossed) to submit it to a gallery/exhibit my workplace is doing. That means I have slightly less than a month to finish it. Yikes!

I'll be trying desperately to get this done ASAP, but I wont neglect my digital stuff or posting. I'm not sure what my plans are yet for streams this weekend. I will either try to stream the wood duck via my phone, or I'll just cave and work on something digital for a couple hours until I can get traditional streaming figured out in a way that I'm happy with.

Hope you all had a good weekend! Sorry this is almost more of a journal than a submission description lol.

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


  • Link

    Lovely colors and textures here, very lifelike.

    • Link

      Thank you!! I just uploaded the finished version a few min ago. :)