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Species Sheet: Senvoc by Neku

Species Sheet: Senvoc


It was an entry for a contest on dA. I didn't win, but if you want you can make a senvoc yourself. If you do so, just please credit me and show me your result. I'd love to see it. C:

Further information:

  • Size: On the sheet, a senvoc is compared to a finnedyr (original species by Griffsnuff on dA), which is about as big as housecats. Let's say a senvoc is a little bigger than a fox. The males are bigger than the females.
  • Behaviour: Despite their grim looks, they are quite social among themselves and will take care of other senvocs of their group when they are ill or injured. In terms of food and territory, senvocs - especially males - are very agressive, though. When male senvocs fight about territory or females, they will not hesitate to kill each other if they have to. Those characteristics often result in several big scars and ear notches. Senvocs are active both in the day- and nighttime, but tend to be nocturnal. Only the spruce forest senvoc is completely diurnal because of the cold temperatures. Senvocs are excellent hunters due to their cat-like eyes, speed and good sense of hearing.

As for the designs:
Not only the teeth, but also the jaws can vary. You can make them fluffier, less fluffier, pointier, rounder etc.

Original date: November 19th 2013

Submission Information

Visual / Digital