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Character Chart Challenge by Void-Lizard

Character Chart Challenge


Holy shit this took days to do. I made myself a nice little challenge: draw all the characters you use frequently. So here's most of the art, story, RP, game, and furry characters I use. A couple of them I have a lot of ideas for, I just never post. First time I've drawn some of them in a very long time. Some are from other universes or times, but all exist (or CAN exist) currently in the same place, my fictional islands.

From left to right, top row first-
Griffon, a german merc. "Fistweaver" and aeromancer. Quick to anger, but slow to show it. Rather evil, but skills and useful. My Mistweaver monk in WoW.
Salamander, a french merc and pyromancer. Enjoys toying with others. Moderately evil.
Skullamander, another dimension's version of Salamander that came through after an accident of both sides. Acts much as Sala does. My TF2 pyro and Steam identity.
Queen Sapphire Wolf, a cryomancer alien. Married to Max. One of my very first characters.
King Maxaene Wolf, also an alien. Married to Sapphire.
Vinny Nortoya, a playful alien. Max's brother, married to Novaa. I made a worgen druid (feral) after him in WoW.
Novaa Nortoya, a bioengineer and alien. Married to Vinny. One of my very first characters.
Ven, a Haitian teenager who is now partially related to Griffon (and his adopted son) due to gene alterations with Novaa's help. Close friends with Thorn and Ahmek.
Thorn Nortoya, a former slave who was freed and adopted by Novaa and Vinny. Time travel was involved, bringing him forward several thousand years to our time. Good friends with Ven and Ahmek. Has gold hair and eyes, despite being 100% human (also, Chinese, so probably shouldn't be all gold and whatnot)
Kalt, "The White Shadow", a semi-feral humanoid abomination. Sort of Griffon's pet. Very aggressive and strangely shaped and sized. Used to wander the wilderness and was nicknamed and feared by werewolf tribes for his aggression and unnatural appearance.
Midnight City, a plague doctor from another era. Conjures and heals plagues and diseases of all manners. Sort of used as my TF2 medic.
Nara Greyson, my newfound fursona. Pretty much me as a dog.
Ciioh the chimaera, my alternate fursona. More social and bubbly. Loves berries and fish. Appears to be a mix of dog and bird, although is genetically not a hybrid.
Toann, a wolf fursona I made a while ago. A worgen hunter of mine in WoW. Keeps to herself, very quiet.
Albedo Wight, my Fallout character. Has scars from the lobotomy (everything was put back though) and badly-attempted throat cutting. Not sure how we got out of the Wastelands of the 2270's.
Straydog, my worgen rogue. Traveled here probably using his Engineering portals. Close friends with Zuka. Lives in the wilderness around town.
Zuka Sandshadow, an Egyptian tesem, geomancer (specializing in sand-based magic), and scribe. Ahmek's master. Also my warlock in WoW. It's doubtful he traveled from ancient times to now, he and Ahmek most likely have lived for several millennia.
Ahmek Sandshadow, an advanced sand elemental summon conjured by Zuka to help with tasks and studies. Acts as (and in often confused for) Zuka's son. Close friend of Ven and Thorn.
Stormbird, a thunder elemental. Doesn't remember much of his past and doesn't care to know, as he's happy here and now. Spends much time tracking storms out at sea.
Joachim Wolf, Sapphire's whimsical and playful twin brother. Apparently doesn't know what a haircut is.
Mandragora, an ageless forest elemental, possibly a vampire or demon aside from that when acting as a human. Stays at her shrines in the forests. Hangs around Saph a lot.
Sai-sath, the male leader of the River Bark werewolf tribe. Like all the werewolves on the island, he's more of an anthro than a were, tribal and peaceful. Quiet and reserved, he generally follows the leadership of his mate, Ptan.
Ptan-sath, the female leader of the River Barks. As the -sath title implies, her and her mate Sai are respected for their leadership skills among werewolves. Very cunning and swift.
Seymour Alans, a somewhat timid medic. Very kind and friendly. Married to Drigon.
Drigon Alans, another medic. Calm and patient with a sweet personality. Married to Seymour.

Didn't plan on doing my purely WoW characters, such as Neinna, Maranwe, or Shadow. If I forgot someone, then I probably don't us them nearly as often as these ones, such as Basilisk the stone elemental.

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