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Hi there~ by Mkananoja

Hi there~


drawn March 3, 2009

meh, I just got sudden urge to draw this one out as well. I thought I came out with this pose on my own but I quickly noticed I did not.

okay, the real reason why i drew this was the fact that someone said that my latest drawings characters where so stiff it made his eyes bleed...
i said screw you (we're friends so no-one wheren't hurt... yet... where is those knives?) and told him i make his nose bleed too xD dunno did he face unexpected loss of blood via nose but at least he agreed she wasn't stiff anylonger >=3

the scetch where total mess so there is more than allowed ammouth of old lines and mess here and there i could not remove probelly. and alas... due of lack of space, her horns looks rather odd. sorry bout that xD

I kinda stole this pose from one of the razz works and did small aging prossess on Cynder to make her look... eh... more atracting xD Hope you dont mind... even if i didn't ask permission to do so...
oh god... im so dead now xD

Now if you exuce me, I have volley of flying knives to dodge hides under desk

Pose stol... I mean lent! From Razz' work
art n' drawing (c) Mkananoja
Flying knives belongs to those who catches them before they hit me!

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Visual / Traditional