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Azyla The Lynx's Story by mk0987

Azyla The Lynx's Story
By: Roninhunt0987

X3 Azyla The Lynx's story folks... :3 she won't be alone she'll have her service pet, service pokemon and two guardians who ya will see during this... oh and btw... XD decided to go ahead and have the entitled mother and daughter make one last appearance before I dunno... have Armen send them to the wall... hehe enjoy

Characters(C)belongs to their rightful owners

-Orphanage, Ring city-

Azyla: -age 18, wears only a heavy hoodie with a wolf design in the middle, born mute, autistic, ADD and born with panic attacks, Keyblade Warrior in Master Aqua's style(mage) as she got her things packed and ready and dodges a thrown shoe as she glares at the Bully-

Bully: O_O oh s**t

Azyla: .w. -freezes the bully via using Blizzaja-

Bully: -frozen- O_o

Azyla: .w. -does sign language of saying have fun in russia as she walks downstairs as her companions are waiting downstairs for her-

Bully: -unfreezes and dizzy- orororororo


Azyla: -walks on over to see who her dad is and smiles in excitement because Merrick is her dad-

Merrick: -chuckles-

Seiki: ^^ hey my names Seiki whats ya name??

Azyla: -does sign language of saying her name and age and etc-

Seiki: -smiles as she is aware Azyla born mute and does sign language of saying well met-

Rosie The Wolf-snake hybrid: -sleethers around Azyla's shoulders and speaks to her- any problems upstairs kiddo??

Rika The Riolu: .w. I did hear some noise earlier upstairs

Rocky The Cubone: .w. probably that dingbat bully that been giving Azyla issues

Juno The Latias: .w. ya mean the same idiot thats gonna get sent to russia in a program someone named Armen is gonna put him into

Ragnos The Demon Guardian: .w. most likely

Redsea The Cartoonish Tanooki Guardian: .w. sheesh that bully is a dingbat somehow I should of did something to his food when he is outside

Azyla: -does sign language of saying- no need I frosted him in ice but no worries the ice will melt soon as I left downstairs-

Redsea: .w. what were ya last words

Azyla: -sign language of saying have fun in russia-

Redsea: XD ahh good one cuz Russia is cold as ice so he is gonna have a bit of a frosty time


Seiki: XD hehehehe okay ya Sans and Orange is gonna like you a lot

Redsea: XD can't wait always wanted to meet Sans The Skeleton and Orange I always hear their comedy routine on tv a lot

Merrick: well come along

Seiki: ^^ lets go

-later at the local McDonalds-

Azyla: -looking at the wanted sign of the entitled mother and daughter in town reading the crimes they have done and be sent to the wall- .w. -drinking her milkshake-

Entitled Mother: -walks in and approaches Azyla- excuse me can my daughter have your milkshake

Azyla: -looks to the entitled mother and daughter and then their wanted sign and looks and glares at them as she summons her keyblade and does sign language of saying you two are wanted by Armen and his guards I am gonna have to ask ya to surrender-

Entitled Mother: how dare you -swings at Azyla-

Azyla: -dodges and summons Ragnos to deal with them-

Ragnos: -slams into her- WHAM!!! .w. Lady Azyla said buzz off lady were not gonna ask you again... either buzz off or will hurt ya by force and- -sees Shadow and Kuebiko walk in- on second thought... I am just gonna sit back and watch ya suffer

Azyla: -proceeds to equip her rebreather and gets her pokemon back into their pokeballs as Merrick told her that Kuebiko is her cousin since shadow is her uncle-

Entitled mother: what?? -turns around to sees Kuebiko is in her face- O_O oh no

Kuebiko: -roars scratches her face as he learned a special attack called Hallucinogenic slash- SLASH!!!

Entitled Mother: ARGH!!! MY FACE!! -sees that gas got let off from that scratch and proceeds to Hallucinate- AHHHHHHHH!!!

Azyla: -casts Blizzardja with her Keyblade freezing her in a block of ice-

Shao Khan: -laughs- Azyla and Kuebiko wins.. HALLUCIGENIC FROSTALITY!!!!

Azyla: -detects the gas is gone as inside the ice with the entitled mother and looks to the entitled daughter-

Entitled Daughter: -faints-

Azyla: -takes off her mask as she gets out her pokemon-

Sans and Orange: -is here eating-

Redsea: XD well seems like that entitled mother got put on Ice


Sans and Orange: -laughs-

Redsea: OwO oh my god

Sans: ^^ heh nice one glad to see a guardian who knows comedy hehe

Orange: XD I agree but that entitled mother is gonna be frozen today and gonna be more icy at the wall


Azyla: -laughs-

Shadow: heh

Seiki: -walks in from the restroom as she was using the restroom earlier while merrick is talking with armen outside who has been searching for the entitled mother and sees Azyla with a keyblade- ^^ ahhh I knew dad adopted ya for a reason ya a keyblade warrior aren't ya

Azyla: -nods yes- ^^

Merrick: -walks in with Armen- oh my goodness what happened

Armen: well now looks like Kuebiko and ya new daughter there captured the entited mother... anyways I think I had enough I can do with this lady she's going to the wall with her daughter

Merrick: thankfully for us the wall is under new management those idiots who ran the place got their asses killed when we were with the group when Henry stickmin and co showed up and not only that one of my relatives was held at the wall so ya its under new management under ya command Armen

Armen: damn right

Guards: -picks up the ice encased entitled mother and puts her in the back-

Guard: -uses a carbinate blast on the entitled mother's daughter and gets her in the back also-

Armen: good work we'll see too those two be locked in the wall for a long time

-later at the house-

Azyla: -watching anime-

Seiki: -smiles as she got a surprise for Azyla and shows Kingdom hearts 3 for the console- ^^ this is for ya sis

Azyla: -smiles and hugs Seiki of saying thank you and starts up the console as she gets the disk in and proceeds to start playing-

Redsea: -talking with sans- ^^ wow for real ya want me in your comedy crew.. XD my man count me in... O.o gotta keep in mind I have to make sure Azyla is alright

Ragnos: no need to worry redsea I got this how else do ya think we both got assigned to watch over Azyla plus I knew ya gonna sign on this so ya better make damn sure we come to the show live

Sans: ^^ don't worry we'll make sure as were friends of merrick we always invite them to that all the time

Ragnos: .w. well least were on the same page

all 3 idiots: .w. are we on the same page

Ragnos: =w= uhh f**k no I am like 20 pages ahead of ya f**king dumbasses and speaking of which... -opens portal to HFIL- .w. go to hell -sparta kicks them in- KICKS!!

all 3 idiots: -goes through-

Portal to HFIL: -closes-

Azyla: -looks to the whats going on-

Ragnos: ^^; just idiots getting sent to HFIL nothing to worry

Azyla: -continues to play-


all 3 idiots: -lands face first- WHAM!!

Racome: .w. hey... wanna arm wrestle

all 3 idiots: -flips the bird while their arm is raised and etc- f**k off

Racome: .w. f**k you too then

Scene: -does a small fart noise of blacking out-

TFS Nappa: .w. the end


Azyla The Lynx's Story


X3 Azyla's story folks

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Literary / Story
