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Puma by Mithmeoi



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Visual / Digital


  • Link

    Love the expression on both of them. The body language and nice gradient in the details. Front nice and clear, back vague. Nice one!

    You're going to get me again in doing illustrations cries in a corner
    I seriously want to do those screenshots once. Once >.>

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      Thanks very much! I actually ended up redoing the entire background because I originally was going with a much darker color and it looked foreboding more than welcoming. LOL

      And you'll get there! Just takes time.

      • Link

        Little advice, something you do already in your drawings, but might not know about. There are some color theories that the farther something is in the distance, the more desaturated it is and the more blueish it gets. (This is due to the air pollution and other physics) So it might be good to do the most distant leaves not with the 'greenest 'green you've put on now. (Just some small leaves)
        Hope this helps and if you already knew it, sorry about wasting your time ^^'

        Here are some examples ;)
        The amount of fog or city pollution can influence it highly.

        • Link

          Oh gawd I had replied to this two days ago but it turns out I never hit submit. XD FFFFFFFFFFFFFAIL.
          Anywho, yea I do know of that but appreciate the pointers! It's something I've been trying to work on with my bgs. Great ref photos too btw. :) I think I"ll keep them in my folder.

          • Link

            Nah, no worries about that. :)
            Good luck with it then and keep up the nice artwork!

      • Link

        We'll get there someday ~ Thanks GK ;)

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    This is really great! You're awesome at giving characters a lot of personality!

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      Thanks very much!

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    cielos esta genial

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    Haha super! >D

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    One of my favorite pics by you <3

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      Thanks, I had a lotta fun with it. Been trying to make my personal art more interesting, kind of telling a story, and more worthy of my portfolio, and it was finally one that I liked enough to put in there. XD

  • Link

    Somehow the idea of a squirrel standing up to a lion just seems so right :)
    Nice one, GK :D

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      And now I've just read the title and realised it's a puma... *cough* (derp)

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      Well they are also called mountain lions so ... it works. :P And thanks! :D

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        Mountain lions, catamounts, pumas, cougars... a different name in every area they're found :)
        And you're welcome :)

        • Link

          Yup the cat of many names! :D

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    That squirrel is telling him up! xD

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    Sqrl's got nuts… :B

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    I know this picture is a little bit older, (and I happened to stumble upon it right now) but I think this is my favorite picture by you. The color and background is just amazing; the characters have a lot of personality to them, and it just looks like it came from the pages of a storybook. I like a good "cartoony" style, because it adds a whole new level of cuteness to it~

    Maybe you should consider writing a story using these characters...?

    Also, the paws on that puma are just adorable. I like paws. :3

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      Thanks very much! :3 I'm glad you like it, I had a lot of fun painting it.

      I don't often write anymore, just don't have motivation or time. They were just random characters I drew up so they don't have any kind of background to them. Mainly something to put in my portfolio was the goal. XD Someday I hope to get the motivation back to write as I did enjoy doing it when I actually did. lol

      • Link

        You don't write anymore...?

        Well that's a darn shame... I could imagine what kind of stories you are capable of creating. In fact, I am planning to adapt a book I had written years ago (not yet published) into a comic book (over the summer). With my art, [usually] I lack the time or motivation to start/finish a lot of them (since I have a tall pile of unfinished drawings on my desk).

        And yes, the painting is beautifully rendered. It looks stunning. Also, I like random characters, because they have so much potential for other works too. Speaking of which, [maybe] you could make a follow up to this...? It would be funny~

        Keep up the good work. :3

        • Link

          I may, I could use some more illustrations like this in my gallery. :P
          Yeah I used to write fantasy stories quite often, I have so many unfinished stories floating around. XD

          And that's cool! I wish you the best with the project! It's hard to keep the motivation going sometimes but always worth it in the end.

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      Also, I love how you draw paws, they're beautiful. <3

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    Yeah, a lot of your fans would love that! :D

    And you're like me, except with stories; we both have the bad habit of not finishing things (mainly because we're so busy during the day). I [personally] love fantasy stories; they are pretty awesome. And speaking of fantasy stories, my comic book is based on a series of 11 [long] books (I only finished about 4 1/2 of them, in somewhat random order, and they still need some editing XD). Basically, it's what I plan to do to encourage me to finish the [written] series, as I selected this particular book as an ambassador to the entire series (as it barely spoils any key information, simplified). The particular book I'm adapting is called "Black and Red," which ironically, is the beginning part of later half of the series, the book of which I had last started (and finished). It's a fantasy novel, based on events that actually occurred, and makes many references to them, so it's pretty dark. Just think of the Cold War, but with furries. :3

    And if you would like to check it out, I'll have the pages posted on my main account, as well as a separate account devoted to my comic, starting around the time of late May/early June (finishing the first few chapters out of nine).

    Thank you for the motivation, I appreciate it! :D

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    hope the big kitty raises his massive hind paws and clapclapclaps the squirrel as a means of defence !! 😍🐾🐿