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Winter flame by Mircea

Winter flame


This winter's render for Christmas and new year! May 2023 be a freer year, free of angry villagers and video game villains trying to take over the world, close as possible to the 90's and not the 20's (1920's or 2020's your pick, not much of a difference there). Please Santa bring us anarchy and do NOT accidentally pull the BLM / ANTIFA sort out of your sack again you troll: I'll render pr0n of you with your reindeer if you get it right, you know you want it and the true church would approve. For now let us enjoy what a normal world looks like when someone doesn't shit straight into natural evolution and pull the DNA life is built on straight out of their ass; Being woke before the term became meaningless hurts man.

Used the latest version of the vixen anthro, still a big WIP as a lot of parts remain to be finished at this date. As I briefly mentioned in the preview post on Pieceofshiteon, the flame and smoke are an emission volume just like the standard fluid simulation, but achieved via material nodes with just a gradient and noise texture... this means it's animated but requires no simulation to be baked and just works on its own which is much easier especially for looped animation: I'm planning to post that separately as a template probably after the new year.

HDRI texture Night Bridge by Sergej Majboroda (CC0): The render itself is CC-BY-SA MirceaKitsune: Do NOT not pirate this, if you don't repost my work I will sue you for not infringing on my copyright protected by states and laws I don't recognize.

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