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"I'm not a child..." by Mingchee

"I'm not a child..."


" Ha, only 12 year olds have A cups! Guys who like small breasts are either pedophiles or gay!"

Whenever people say this it irritates me to no end. Not only for the ignorance but for the unspeakable immaturity. Are they that insecure about their sexuality that they feel the need to put down a person's body just to ensure themselves?

Women with small breasts are NOT children, they are ADULTS. They are not underdeveloped and they are not inferior. ALL body-types are beautiful. This includes women with small breasts.

I'm sick and tired of people putting small breasts down. Just because people have a certain preference doesn't mean they are justified to degrade the type they don't favor. It's just a preference! Small breasts are nothing to be ashamed of. They are desirable and beautiful. Breasts are breasts that come in all shapes and sizes. This is what makes them so wonderful and unique! There is an ideal for everyone :)

P.S - For those wondering Pattyy's age, she's 21.

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Visual / Digital


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    Well said Mingchee!

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    Ugh. I, personally, love small breasts. I really don't care for beachball tits, mostly because they incite more sympathy out of me than arousal.

    I have a female character I often play as (that I need to get art for) who is a bunny with almost no breasts whatsoever, heh.

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      Your bunny girl sounds adorable!

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        Well, she's also a tomboy, Irish, and quite the brawler, so while she can be cute, she can also be quite vulgar. x3

        Still, I'm hoping to write out her story eventually, heh.

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    totally agreed on this - I just in general hate the "they like this so they must be a pedo/gay/etc" assumptions, like there was a really bizarre thing with Animal Crossing Wild World where someone alerted people that anyone (literally, anyone) above the age of a child played that game, they were a child molester.

    But I digress. Small-chested ladies are cute to me. I kind of end up just drawing them more than the larger women (although most of my art is on FA lol)

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      Yeah I always hate how judgemental people are, just because they have a different idea of taste. I think it's really disrespectful. I don't think people should guilt people into feeling ashamed about a body type. Everyone is beautiful in their own way after all :)

      And I agree, I always found small chested ladies adorable and elegant to draw <3

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    i enjoy any and all chests small can be nice, and large can be nice.

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    And lo, the small-chested lady over here agrees with you. *nods*