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Illari Keelo - character sheet by Mikairu

Illari Keelo - character sheet


Allow me to introduce Illari - most important of my characters. The info in the character sheet is a bit too brief but again, the character sheet should be brief. But if you're interested in more, continue reading.

Where he came from, nobody knows - hell, nobody even knows exactly what he is. He just happened to be, he was born from technology and is bonded to it on the level no one fully understands.

They say that the blue color of his fur and eyes with seemingly no iris are the least strange things about him but really, he is not all that special. Only that he is, but not exactly in the way one would expect from such an unnatural looking creature.

His bond to the computers, and basically everything with Internet connection is like another sense for him. He can feel the data flowing around, he can see machines communicating with each other and sometimes, he can simply disappear into what he calls a Datastream. Creepy thing is, he doesn't need to touch the computer or even be in the same room with it to reach it. There are ways to restrict this ability, though.

His physical appearance can be that of an lean, maybe even fragile antelope but he is surprisingly strong and can survive what would be a multiple fatal injury to an everyone else. He is not even remotely immortal, though.

Last ability discovered yet is his terrificly fast learning curve with any gun he lays hands on. Basically he can take up a gun he was never holding before and use it like an expert. This is only true for the guns, with any other weapon, he shows no signs of similar ability.

His psychological profile is no less interesting but then this would be an awfully long description.

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