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Did you forget psychic beats poison? (Comm by vvitch) by Mewtwo

Did you forget psychic beats poison? (Comm by vvitch)


Art by vvitch - please direct all credit for this wonderful piece that way!

One of the very rare unwilling pieces in my gallery, but in this case I believe it's justified.

There have been a number of pieces over the last months of Mewtwos being gobbled up, or about to be, by various snake-type creatures. For those that think such is justified or should be encouraged, I remind you that snakes are generally poisonous, and psychic DOES trump poison. Here we have Mewtwo showing just how such a scene would unfold - he'll soon have qutie the engorged belly and some nice squirms inside! (Consider this an official response to the pieces that had Mewtwo being devoured and a pre-emptive response to any snake-related pieces in the future that might show such.)

Someone asked about a sequel for this. That's up in the air - there's another series that goes the other way that may or may not finish out. If that one ends up completing, this one will as well.

For those of you that don't care about the logic behind the work, enjoy the happy Mewtwo and the squirming Arbok trapped within his psychic grasp.

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Visual / Other