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Stream Batch 48-1 by MentalCrash

Stream Batch 48-1


And at long last I've finished the largest Stream Batch I've made to date! Counting a total of 31 characters, 1 drawn background, 1 ALT version, 3 uncoloured linearts, 10 Simple Chibi Emotes and 11 Complex Chibi Emotes.

I also happen to show five times, in several different forms, lol :v

A thing to keep in mind btw, I have some stuff to do this weekend, and considering the amount of pictures in the batch I don't think I'll be able to upload the separated versions as quickly as usual, but we shall see :T

Anyway, here it goes:

1º Annakatan started off the batch with a couple panels serving as a sequel to this shrinking pic they got last year, starring both Annaka and NormalDeviant's Orange, it seems like Orange has suddenly grown a Nano Shinomome type doll key on his back, which makes her dance when turned, and well... It's pretty clear he enjoys it, even if he doesn't want to say it out loud.
Annaka has also been transformed, she wasn't a kid in the previous pic, so it seems like whatever made Orange grow a key has also regressed Annaka into a very young gal.
2º theheroofdarkness got a pic of both of us Mermaidified! A sequel of sorts as it starrs Hero's Mermaid version which I had drawn here and here before, as well as my Mermaid version which I drew in the previous batch, where it's show what causes the Mermaidification is eating these fish sticks, c'mon, you sure you don't wanna join us?
Hero also got some new chibis emotes, which you can see to the right of the mermaid picture.
3º TheUrbanLegend52 got a sequel too! To this Fire Emblem Three Houses TG pic, getting a makeover by Anette and Mercedes. And looking at the results in a mirror.
I gotta point out though the POV for this picture is was basically directly taken from this picture by greenlittle, you can see the obvious similarity.
4º TurtwigChampion commissioned a lineart, which he'll work on himself for a celebratory picture for Hourglass-of-Youth's 10th anniversary, which will take place tomorrow, starring himself in the middle, Age Regressed, and the group's mascots Tina and Mikey to his sides.
5º TheNexus29 got a Doki Doki Literature Club styled pic, Monika has seemingly taken over her body, keeping her overall palette but with both her clothes design and physical appearance resembling Monika, is this another wall breaking? What is Monika up to? Yuri was a better waifu anyway.
6º infuscomus got a TG sequence! Another set starring himself as well as me and my clone, fucking around with him. I needed some help moving (I actually do, irl), and he just scoffed at me, so he's going to help me, whether he wants to or not.
This set is referencing this specific scene in Scrubs, only no one got turned into a Donkey Girl in that episode.
7º Nathan_B got a new addition to the Bottled Twili Particles set, where Link has been turned into an Imp and Midna decided to revert into one after recovering her trueform, this being another lewd scene.
8º Nassley got a new addition to the Peak Performance set, where we've found out I have the ability to mold his body to my liking, which of course means I'm gonna make him fat and feminize him, but in this particular panel the mere terror just makes him push me away, which of course I'm not going to take well >:v
9º Redmond17 got a sequel too, to the Gacha Tempted set, having fused with multiple characters by now, Terra Branford, Nina Wyndia, Kneesock and Fubuki, now completely TGed, he's using Fubuki's ability to float while she ties her hair and tries to get some costumer support on what happened to her, but it seems all she's going to get is yet another waifu :v
10º SomariaMoon got another Sailor Moon pic! Having turned into five of the Sailors by now, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter, Venus and now Chibi Moon, and she has seemingly found some odd version of the AGW 1.5, what is this lil' Sailor up to?
11º Kachopper9000 got severely bimbofied! I mean hadn't she been bimbofied by now? I guess she simply was well endowed, but as she checks on one of these bimbofying cards her chest grows further and her becomes a clear shade of pink. oh well, at least this ditz seems quite happy.

Second Canvas


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