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MonBuilder June - The Queen by Master Oki Akai

MonBuilder June - The Queen

Master Oki Akai

MonBuilder June Update: The Queen

Finally did it! Finally got a rough concept for the Fantasy setting Queen character that actually fits what i had in mind (more or less).

Working Concept
Queen Elizasextoria the Temperate, Ruler of the Fertile Lands and Defender of the Faith
(don’t laugh, it’s not that funny, just on the spot XD )

Her major features here are her superior beauty, command of the military and the citizens, great wealth, personal guards, many children, and the floating enchanted ring that surrounds her body as a barrier against men, monsters and attacks.

On the one hand …
Queen Temperance is a beloved ruler who runs her country and commands her people with a fair and measured hand. She considers herself a matriarch to her people, handling her subjects as she would her own children, with care and concern and commitment to their greater good. Those who know her well in the castle refer to her as Grandame Toria.
As a ruler on her thrown she thinks of herself as a reflection of her people, so she fills her hall with the gifts and words of her people, everything from scrimshaw to exotic gold and gems. She wears everything that her people make for her, no matter how glamorous, garish or common, in public for a day at least once.
Her appearance, attire, travel and attendance of special events are suggested or demanded by her people, so they may see the Queen as they like, when and where they like (within reason) and she may rule them as they need, first hand.

Her politics and policies are prevalent with three strikes, second chances, and compromise. Her preferred punishments are public humiliation and community service first, incarceration and labor second and exile or public execution last. When it comes to meeting law and punishment mostly she acts like she’s handling squabbling children, taking a firmer hand to them each time until they comply or prove to be unfit to remain in her greater family. She rarely exiles anyone, such is a punishment for those that cannot stay but she has no malice towards. Executions are more common and are as a rule reserved for those who have so greatly offended her and threatened her people that her own outrage becomes loudly apparent. At these times she appears a volcanic woman, seething heat and hatred and letting it flow out of her onto the land. Executions tend to be quick, public and gruesome and decidedly inhumane. These events are usually held in an arena within a day of judgement. The condemned may plead for the mercy of a beheading or the attending citizens may attempt to call for mercy by poisoned dart. Typically the obscene offender is placed into the arena against gladiators, vicious animals or terrifying monsters kept in captivity.

On the other hand… (working concept)
Before she was queen of the realm she was an adventurer. So she has great knowledge of the world, its beauty and its cruelty.

Years ago she secretly married the Demon Prince that currently besets her country. Publicly she denounces him and his army of monsters as invaders to be eradicated and pushed back into the abyss. But her secret of secrets is that she and her husband are quarreling over finding suitable wives and husbands for their children as they each come of age. So this war stands as a gauntlet for his monster minions to run to earn his respect and his more monstrous children to choose a mate from the people while she blocks his overbearing influence to allow her more human children to fall in love with whom or whatever they wish or not at all.

He created the barrier ring for her as a form of protection should any of his minions turn out to be powerful or cunning enough to reach and approach her. Only he can penetrate it freely.

And on the third hand…
She has at least 10 children, all 1 year apart from the next, maybe some twins or triplets in there, haven’t decided yet. And they are all half demonic though not all show it. Those who do show it go to live with their father in the Dark Spire Mountains (working name) and become Demon Generals or Agents. Those that are more human live with their mother in White Spire Castle (working name) where they are raised as royalty would be. They are never told of their demonic nature unless it manifests itself, that way they may be allowed to live their life as humans more normally.
Their father is rough and doting on his children but he’s still a demon, an evil, depraved, malicious demon who does whatever he wants. Their mother is a thoughtful and vivacious woman who loves to tease and embarrass her children with affection. They both love their children and would not want to see them harmed and would be outraged by their sorrow and furious beyond reason at their death. However they are very disparate people and cannot live or rule together. So he visits her in her dreams or in a temporary pocket dimension. Once a year in the summer and again in the winter she meets him at his fortress and her in her castle, both in total secret from man and monster alike. They are both meant to remain apart in the mean time but as a demon he cheats and masquerades as a traveling peddler, delivering her extravagant gifts or as a local craftsman making things like lurid clothing, dirty manuscripts and nude statues.

In game…
As a hero she is your commander in chief, her word is law handed down directly or through one of her Ministers. She is very thoughtful and wise of the world so getting her to change her mind is low, but compromising and negotiating with her may make a bad situation much better.
As a monster she is the ultimate target, if you can cross her country, pass her army, enter her castle, track her down and find a way to capture her.

Submission Information

Visual / Sketch