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An observer of a passive dream by Marwan

An observer of a passive dream


Flying is not always fun. One of the most perilous things about flying is that you'd never know what you'll find while you're out there above the clouds. Something that I discovered while soaring high above the clouds as usual, when a giant submarine suddenly appeared out of nowhere, almost threatening to hit me. I managed to fly out of the way. To be fair, the occupants of this flying submarine are dreamers, too, and no doubt they're enjoying the dream as much as I do. I can only watch while they're having their own fun; it's best not to interfere with someone else's dream.

This pic was inspired by the dreams I've had while sleeping. At one point, a submarine did appear in my dream, though for dramatic effect, the details are different than what I've drawn in this pic. In case you're wondering, the submarine pictured here is a Typhoon class, Soviet designation Project 941 Akula, the largest submarines ever built. It was chosen not only for its size, but also because its design has the most dramatic flair I can think of, especially at this angle. (I had to refer to a 3D model for this, and then just trace over the model.) This pic was also inspired by the fact that, sometimes, I'm just a neutral observer of the dreams I'm in, never interacting with it, only passively observing what was happening as the characters in my dream acted out all the actions. It's like watching a movie, where all you're doing is just sit there and watch the movie.

You could say that this pic is also a sequel to this pic:

Once again, I've been trying to push the boundaries of my artistic abilities. @_@;; I think I'm getting the hang of drawing clouds. =3 I still need to keep trying to improve my art skills even further. I also need to learn about color theory and how using the right colors can affect the mood and such.

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