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It Won't Hurt by Marc

It Won't Hurt



Sorry for not submitting things quite as often here! I'd like to keep this gallery reserved for my best work/work that I put actual effort into and, well, I don't produce a lot of "best" work. :x The perils of being a lazy hobbyist.

But to be on-topic, Black Jack's possibly my favorite-ever series. And, subsequently, one of my favorite-ever characters.

BJ was drawn in PaintTool SAI, and then the text, dotted background, and spades were added in Photoshop.

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  • Link

    BlackJack! WOO!

    • Link

      Glad to see more Black Jack fans around! :D

      • Link

        Likewise! I feel they are an elusive species XD

        • Link

          It's so difficult to find Tezuka fans in general, especially in the US. His work seems to have more fans abroad. :/

          • Link

            Now that you've mentioned it. . .There really aren't very many I've encountered! Even when I mention him to anime fans/self-proclaimed athourities on the subject of anime/manga I get a blank stare.

            • Link

              Aw geez, that's a shame. :( His influence is incredibly far-reaching so you'd think that more people would at least be aware that his work exists. I guess on the bright side more of his manga is being published in English, but they don't seem to sell very well.

              • Link

                I've noticed that too! I'm on a quest to eventually obtain all of the black jack volumes as we speak. I guess his stuff isn't what people are interested in :( it's vampires and highschool drama that a lot of folks want to read about it seems.

                • Link

                  Good luck getting them all! I managed to complete my collection fairly recently but it was a real pain since many are out-of-print. -_- And yeah, that about sums it up. I think that younger manga readers are also kind of turned off because of his style. Personally, I prefer it to most modern manga, but a lot of folks think otherwise. :/

                  • Link

                    Oh I didn't realize some were out of print? there's only 17 volumes right? I really like his style too- sometimes it's a bit too disney-esque in a serious plot though XD so I can see why it might bother some.

                    • Link

                      Yup, there's 17 volumes total! And yeah, there are some chapters that definitely would've benefited from a more "serious" style, though apparently at the time Black Jack was drawn in his more adult style. Sometimes I wonder if things would've been different if it was drawn in the style of Ode to Kirihito or MW or something.

                      • Link

                        It would have been interesting to behold for sure. Now that you mention it he certainly illustrates people's injuries and afflictions in gruesome detail. I particularly find how he draws burnt people disturbing haha. The medical illustrations are awesome too! You've watched the anime they've made too right?

                        • Link

                          Yeah, he really did draw some particularly detailed surgical scenes--I really liked the contrast between the medical pictures and the cartoony characters, haha. And the burnt people were always really terrifying to me, even if they were drawn slightly less burnt because the character was good or something. And yup, I've seen the anime and the OVAs as well!

                          • Link

                            The OVA's are absolutely gorgeous! And the newer anime is delightful but of course it has to have happier endings XD- and they show kisaragi Kei in the opening credits for one episode but they never have an episode about him/her :(

                            • Link

                              Haha yeah! I really enjoyed the later episodes of the OVA, since they tended to be a bit funnier/lighter. And yeah, Kei's alluded to in the episode where Black Jack has a chance to get his medical license back, but sadly they don't go into much detail or explain who he is. Have you seen either of the movies--the OVA-style one or the Two Doctors of Darkness?

                              • Link

                                Haha yup, saw them both- there was something odd about the 2 doctors of darkness- and the OVA was about a super human disease right?

                                • Link

                                  Yup! I saw the OVA one a lonnng time ago but I remember the basic plot of it. The 2 Doctors one was definitely kinda weird to me as well--I liked the rivalry between Kiriko and BJ but some aspects were pretty out there (like the island with all the mutant critters on it). What was odd about it to you?

                                  • Link

                                    TBh I didn't mind the plot (the comic has some pretty outlandish ones to begin with after all) but the presentation is what made me twinge a little: I thought the animation was rushed, and the music was funky (and not in a good way) like, trying to be artsy like the jazz in cowboy bebop but failing.

                                    • Link

                                      Yeah, I see what you mean. Some of the animation was definitely pretty ridiculous. Apparently jazz was really popular in Japan during the time that movie was made, so that could be why they went with a jazzy soundtrack. Darker than Black used a lot of jazz tunes in their soundtrack and I wanna say it was made around the same time. but yeah, there were some instances where I felt the music didn't fit too terribly well at all. Still enjoyed it, though, haha!

                                      • Link

                                        Oh same haha- the fangirl in me screamed happily the whole time regardless