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Mars-san by Manna

On a cold day in November I was walking through the woods. The trees around my estate were still colourful and I felt to spend the evening outside. There was a sharp wind cutting through the woods and my evening jacket, and the leaves fell in clouds about me. I stopped to hold the dying plumes in my hands and there was such a colour to them, even in the cloudy light. They were falling wet with this morning's rain and their veiny dew crept through my fingers.

I had not eaten a meal in days and I was shaking for the hunger. A dull throb opened itself in my gut though I was captivated. The trees were shedding their living skin and fasting for the winter. A leaf was plastered wet to a rock and limply rested unmoving, its little stem twitching restless in the wind.

I walked deeper into the heart of the woods in the face of the wind, and leaves began to stick on me. They blended in the grey light with my suit and faded. Leaves were drowning in puddles strewn about the forest floor. Far from my estate I sat on a rock and cried.

I met The Nomad then. He came out of the trees before me and raised his hand. He wore a billowing pilgrim's robe which gathered dew from the brush about his ankles and walked with a walking staff. His eyes were large through thick glasses and he smiled in a way that was disarming.

"'lo traveler" he said, smiling and I stood up from my rock. "What are you doing here" I said; "this is private property" and he shrugged. "I did not know sir, I was just passing through. I'm a traveler, you see. I've walked this earth for many years, using my feet as a razor to keep the stubble from this planet, shaving it from head to toe." He kicked his foot as if to demonstrate. "You look like you could use a shave too" and he laughed.

"Excuse me?" I said and he replied "I found though -while I was shivering in Antarctica- that the Earth's northern face had grown a full beard! I'm on my way back to the pole to start again." I stepped behind my rock and said "you shave the planet?" and he lit up saying "yes!" and "you see my legs have an itch to 'go!' they say, and I must oblige them if I want any peace. I'm glad you understand", nodding.

I followed suit, nodding slowly and said "anyway you have a distance to travel, I should let you go" and he dismissed the idea with a wave of his hand. "I like to talk, it's refreshing" and asked "why are you out here on such a brisk evening?"

"I am out to admire the leaves, but now I should be going. I have... an engagement." And he bowed and said "alright", letting me go.

As I left though he dropped his bright tone and said "you should be careful coming out this far late at night. There are cliffs nearby, and you could slip on the wet grass."

When I turned around to say something, he was gone.



Revisiting some themes from Cocoon

Mars-san always looked so lonely, on his own and crying next to the crashed train

some of you stabbed him just to see his eye change colour :c

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