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Feed the Deer by ManaPuddingFox

Feed the Deer


Super late drawing! By late I mean I wanted this done before the end of December 2012 when raiku and I were deer for Deercember. At one point I tried telling him about what it takes to be a healthy deer for the season. Of course, healthy to me means being as fat as a house, filled with treats, and super heavy and soft. Of course I didn't say anything, just kept handing him treats. And really, who can refuse cake, pies, or cookies? So he ate what I gave him. Eventually he did feel full and tried to tell me- but that didn't quite work.

"You can't be full yet! That is just your imagination."

"I bet you could still eat!"

"Just one more bite? Tis the season!"

Eventually, well, we got to here. He could probably still move- which is something I need to work on fixing!

If you took a moment to stop oogling at his softness you may have also noticed my own form. Yes, in dear form I am a pear, a pear with a BIG BUTT. BIG BUTT DOE AM I.

Chase (c) raiku

Mana and art (c) ManaPuddingPie/ Mana_the_Vixen 2013

Do not claim this to be your own or repost to your gallery

Only Chase can post this picture to his external galleries with credit to me.

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