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Read the Rules by Maltaur

Read the Rules


Didn't take no time at all for this happen on Weasyl.

I hate to sound nasty, but READ THE DAMN RULES!

I am constantly being asked to do things that I put in the "WHAT I WON'T DO" category. I always, I as far as I can tell, put a set of rules when I open whatever it is that I am opening. Still, people ask, "will you draw me........".

The biggest issue is when I say, "be specific" and people throw a ref at me and say, "draw this". You just saw the word free and didn't read a single word otherwise.

Anyways, just read the rules I set and be courteous about asking. And at the minimum, say thank you or something.

I wonder how long it will take till others copy this picture for themselves, like my live-stream picture. Seriously, you could have made it a little different.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    One of my artist friends despite having she didn't do adult art constantly had morons asking her to do porns.

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    Ok I understand if you don't to any of my requests I'm ok with it because I'm kinda New here so I'm not used to stuff like this but thanks for understanding wish you best luvk

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    Er luck I meant @top