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This Wolf DOES Have Teeth by magnus

This Wolf DOES Have Teeth


I’m pretty bummed about how Blizzard chose to portray Golka in the latest Lords of War short. And really getting tired of how all female Horde characters take a back-seat to the men, or worse, shown to be inferior.

They chose to have her deemed “weak” by her actions in the eyes of a Warsong orc like Grom. This could have been an avenue to maybe have her actually “die a warrior’s death” during their battle against the ogres, and have the loss of his mate further fuel Grom’s rage after his capture. 

But instead they have her give up, an act deemed to be unworthy of Grom and the Warsong orcs, by begging for death after her defeat. Her integrity as an orc is sacrificed for an easy show of Grom Hellscream being “tough as iron”. FUCK THAT

As the lady of the Warsong clan: Golka is a badass. This wolf /DOES/ HAVE TEETH! 


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  • Link

    Awesome piece, even if the bit of background infos make be sadly feel like one of the other reasons I'd have difficulties getting back onto WoW.

    With the whole gamergate crap lately and the misoginy surrounding it, it's been very hard to feel happy about enjoying games when I find myself one day following a new game journalist I find myself enjoying the writings of only to witness her quit her job the day after because on bullying and non-stop attacks because of an article she made the "mistake" of writing in the Guardian about misogyny in gamer culture.

    • Link

      Seriously though, back on subject, a most awesome piece. Love the use of color palette and dynamism there. The text is a very nice addition.

    • Link

      Yeah I don't know what's up lately, but the fact there is blatant visibility and its making people uncomfortable is a good thing I think: it means it's not being ignored by a wider group of the gaming audience.

      • Link

        It seems to be mainly focused around Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn.... but a lot of their supporters were also targeted and in some cases even hacked(as was the case with Fez's Phil Fish) with their personal informations down to social security numbers released online.

        It's just been ugly and horrible all around to watch.

  • Link

    I'll have to agree. And even with anyone that's elitist on WoW Lore saying 'that is just the orc way' or whatever, I can't agree with that view.

    because this wasn't created in a vacuum. And it is really telling of the sort of people who are in charge of writing these things when it is obvious that those people have the privilege to ignore sexism due to their position and gender.

    • Link

      I am a WoW Lore-nut - ESPECIALLY about orcs. But from everything I've learned up until now, orcs are about honor - not heartlessness. There's nothing honorable in how Grom acts IMO.

      • Link

        Yeah agreed. If anything, this is his mate, he should care about her honor more than anything else.

  • Link

    wow the colours here are gorgeous! Great job on this :3 Also yeah I get your disappointed, I know little about the lore of WoW but that does seems like a huge shaft.... shouldn't surprise me though it seems female characters even of different species also are the first characters to get fucked over by the writers :/ ugh.

  • Link

    Beautiful piece of art! I love the textures and the colours! :)