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caterwaul by LycheeMonster



more gross feelings about college

comparison between ink and shading

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Visual / Traditional


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    that eye is rad

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      thank you! it got a bit cluttered with the catchlights in the colored version... gotta remember that next time.

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    I really enjoy this! I love the teeth and the hair so much <3

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      thank you! both are things that i look forward to drawing in any picture i do :> the hair is a therapeutic thing to draw, and i studied dental anatomy in-depthly during my senior year of high school <3

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        I love drawing teeth and wrinkles myself <3 That and just general facial expressions. That's neat you studied dental anatomy, I love that sort of thing too

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          oh gosh wrinkles and teeth for ever

          my faces need some work. pulling expressions one step further than reality pushes the emotion of the image, and i adore it <3

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            I love over exaggerated expressions, kinda what I like about this really. Just the way the mouth is opened and the teeth and somewhat snarl <3 I look forward to seeing future work of yours B]

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    Love this expression and inking style! That soft shading looks freakin' fab too, I love the nose.

    Traditional stuff pleases my eyes. O vO

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      i'll try to do more. . v. inking traditionally is always better for me, but if i mess up i get depressed :C

      and thankyu :O i'm still learning how light works - _-

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        Oooh yeah, probably why digital art has become so appealing to me! I used to work in nothing BUT traditional, but I didn't have a scanner at the time...

        I also ran out of recent supplies. I haven't had anything good to ink with in an age. :C It's been so long since I've done stuff on paper. My hands are too dumb for it now.

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          in the words of Fox McCloud Sr., "Don't ever give up my son!"

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            :> I won't! I'll be going to an art store tomorrow anyhow, mayhaps I will pick up some supplies.