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A City on Keone by LordDominic

A City on Keone


More World-Building Wednesday art, in which I depict an urban setting on Keone, the homeworld of the Keahi.

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Keahi architecture generally fits into two categories: large city buildings constructed mostly from the hard, durable and plentiful volcanic rock that is common across Keone, and simple shacks constructed mostly of wood and whatever else is available at the time, which are typically found on the smaller islands and near the coasts. In more densely populated urban areas, these two architectural styles are frequently blended.

Despite the arrival of the Lightbearer Dominion in the distant past, and the positive and friendly relationship the Keahi share with their interstellar neighbors, most Keonian architecture is still very traditional, lacking much influence from the Dominion and its various member species and their respective architecture.

While these sort of scenes typically don't get the same level of interaction as my usual fare, likely owing to the lack of a cartoon animal (and more specifically, the lack of a cartoon animal in underwear or a diaper), I do quite enjoy drawing these sorts of scenes from time to time--some of my favorites from the past few years have been the Dominion City, the street scene from Zilouanos, the Jeroban city, and the Dupachyan cave town.

This is another one of those projects that I poked at off and on for a few weeks--I started in mid-March of 2023, but finished on May 4 2023.

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Visual / Digital