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Elantra by LordDominic



I had to get a new car in October 2022 after Aiko, my 2010 Mazda 3, died unexpectedly. Surprisingly, as much as I loved that car, I never bothered to draw it.

New car is a 2018 Hyundai Elantra hatchback. Seems like a nice car so far. Has a few minor cosmetic issues but what used car doesn't? 

Wound up naming her "Sylvia Sterling" because of the color and the fact that I already have a fox character by that name. I have no idea why people name their vehicles, I guess it indicates emotional investment or attachment.

I don't usually draw real cars (I prefer to stick to generic/non-trademarked designs or my own designs) but I wanted to try something a little different, not to mention I wanted to draw the car for something else I wanted to do.

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FurAffinity has a "land vehicle" species option when adding the category etc. now. I know it's probably not there for the benefit of people drawing actual normal vehicles, though.

Originally finished Dec 23 2022

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    Always used to name my cars - think I stopped when I started to afford ones I expected to start most mornings. My favorite was known as "the shed" a very bad Marina van, much modified, Or Tetanus a Peugeot that ran for 500,000 miles I used to tell people it was named after the Roman god of corrosion, some believed me

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      5 months later, still seems like a nice car. The roommate really likes it. Has one of those screens your phone can connect to, and a camera to assist with reversing into the garage etc.

      Of course, the roommate didn't like it enough to not hit one of those concrete logs (no idea what they're called) they put in parking lots at the end of parking spaces, cracked the bottom of the front bumper up a bit--not major structural damage, of course, but noticeable. Nothing I couldn't fix in 15 minutes with the right tool and a couple zip ties, though, neither of which I have.

      Still not sure why people name their cars, and it doesn't seem to be limited (or universal) to men, either. The manager at work I like calls her SUV "The Beast", while most of the guys at work never bothered to give theirs any sort of nickname at all. Seems to be a tradition for naval vessels, but for cars the best I can figure is that they sorta take the place of a draft animal or mount in the modern age, and it's pretty universal to give your animal a name.
      (Possible interesting aside, I have found that men that don't own cars for whatever reasons but DO own gaming PCs give their "rig" or "battle station" a name, whereas I never bothered to do so for any of my PCs.)

      If you would have told them Tetanus was a Greek god, you would have been a bit more correct--I ended up being curious just what the etymology was so I looked it up, it comes from an ancient Greek word meaning "to stretch". Yes, for world-building purposes I am in the habit of occasionally looking up words to see if I can come up with a name for a character, vehicle, location, planet, faction, etc. based off the word or its ancient origins.
      None of that makes up for the fact that people don't know what tetanus actually is, although it seems rare enough nowadays that most people thankfully don't need to know outside of "rusty nail bad".