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Domi by LordDominic



"Greetings, Master!"

While I was on my brief "create an alternate slut-sona for more mature-themed art and interaction" kick in early August, I decided to finally go back and develop my pudgy Zerdan slave boy one-off a bit more...

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I'm not sure if I actually intended to grant this guy "alternate fursona" status to begin with or designed him with that in mind, but his color palette does sorta suggest it, not to mention his appearance is quite similar to Domen Aleppo (who I also don't recall if, in turn, might have been based off Slave Boy), or if that's just a consequence of the default color palette of the Zerdans favoring warm sandy yellows and browns.

As for the nickname "Domi", it turns out a perfect name already exists that fits both the Zerdan tendency to have Greek/Roman names for ???? reason, and the "Dominic" aesthetic, as well as the whole "slave" thing... "Domitius", which is derived from a Latin word for "tamed". Seems very suitable for my pudgy, subby slave boy self, when I'm in the mood to play a small, pudgy, subby slave boy.

I also realized that I never really went into detail about my use of the term "slave" in this context--I seem to use the term "slavery" to describe any sort of bonded or indentured servitude or forced labor. That would include the use of prisoners as laborers, keeping sapient creatures as pets or entertainment, and so on, meaning that just because a creature is a slave doesn't mean they are being mistreated and abused by default (and it's probably clear by how pudgy, cheerful, and willingly submissive and obedient Domi is, he's best described as a mix of "pet" and "butler").
In territories that tolerate such practices, laws would still be in place ensuring some level of ethical and humane treatment of slaves, although those laws would probably be on par with animal cruelty laws, meaning most slaves would have a legal status similar to that of livestock or pets.

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