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Dawn by LordDominic



When I say that I have character designs older than some of my followers, I'm not kidding... Here's one I haven't even touched since 2005!

Meet Dawn, a Solar Fairy. One of those weird concepts from when I first started drawing my Geoterra stuff. I don't really recall much about her, besides her having the cliche cheery "sunny" disposition one would expect of such a character, and she had a Lunar Fairy sister named Luna, who I might update as well should I ever find the motivation.

Ultimately, I'm not sure what led to me just sort of abandoning these designs years ago, whether it was just changing tastes or not knowing what to use them for or moving on to other things and just sorta forgetting about them, but it is fun to go back to these forgotten designs from time to time and give them a bit of an update.
It's also interesting to look back at some of the ideas I had back then, and how it just seemed like I was having more fun overall because I was just playing with designs, with less worry about making everything "perfect", and less worry about what others would think about my ideas and designs. It's also interesting to note that I didn't draw humanoid breasts on many of my anthro characters early on, perhaps because I was trying to model them more on real-life animals or something despite the fact that many of the cartoons I watched growing up didn't shy away from featuring full-on "furries" and so much of what I was doing was inspired by my favorite cartoons growing up.

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