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Starfarer Mechanaut by LordDominic

Starfarer Mechanaut


While I was designing random robots, one of the designs I came up with was this "mechanaut", a sort of robotic replica of a Starfarer. Featuring a much more advanced AI than my typical automechs, these mechanauts can fill a variety of roles ranging from the sort of tasks a "protocol droid" from Star Wars might perform, to mechanical work, to piloting vehicles, to use as battle droids. Being the same size (although a bit chunkier) than their organic creators, the mechanaut can even wear clothing if desired, and many of the ones used in security or combat roles wear battle suits and body armor for increased protection, despite their hulls already being surprisingly resilient.

While designing robots modeled after living creatures seems like way more effort, and the end result seems more complex than what is practical for mass production and wide deployment, I do think there are some advantages to them as well. Being the same size and shape as their organic counterparts means they can easily make use of equipment, weapons, and even vehicles designed for the organics, as well as having an easier time navigating and operating in spaces and environments designed for creatures of those specific dimensions and specifications. Additionally, if the uncanny valley can be overcome, it may be easier for an organic being to interact with a machine that resembles them in some ways, versus talking to a self-propelled trash can.

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Visual / Digital