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Western Wolven Footman by LieutenantHawk

Western Wolven Footman


There are two major tribes of Wolven on Achaemon, the Eastern and Western. They once resided on opposite ends of Dulvaal, the expansive and dense forests of the north. With the influx of humans, the Westerners were pushed towards the East, forcing the two tribes to mingle despite their past aggression towards each other. The Wolven territory is in a tight spot, with the human kingdom of Andon to the west, the Sarvolk kingdom to the south, and the Orcish Holding to the east. The region is rife with border conflicts and internal struggles; the two tribes of the Wolven are often at odds with each other, keeping to each of their traditional cultures and policies despite being forced to live and work together.

The Western tribe is the more peaceful of the two, though they are certainly no strangers to fighting. They don't have a professional warrior class; instead, most males train in basic arts of war so that they can be called upon whenever they might be needed. They are equally skilled in fighting with short swords and short bows, making each individual footman quite versatile. Unfortunately they lack any sort of heavy infantry, cavalry or specialist units, which means that their warriors are best used for civil defense purposes only. In times of need, the Westerners depend on their more aggressive Eastern brothers for military assistance.

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