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7 Days in the Fire (Interpretation Challenge #1) by Librios

Are you afraid
Of showing the truth
Knowing it will be same consequence
That has brought hell on you
The reflection is stained
But so is the soul
Have the will to keep fighting longer
But the mind is close to splitting in two
But at least now the red
Is fading away
So step inside
My soul with me
I show you how
It feels to be me for a day
Should I still be in fear
Of the ashes that remain
Stained all over the skin
So draining were the days
When I listened to your lies
You say that I'm worthless in life
So show me the evidence
Cause I'm still fighting here in spite of your lie
I want to see
Not being judged because of what I am
7 days in the fire is long enough with you
I've had all these thoughts in my head
Making me believe that I would never be accepted
Because of the scars that still remain
I still think 7 days in the fire should have been
More than been enough to push you away from my head
I long for everlasting peace within me
Vanquishing all the hate that's bottled within me

7 Days in the Fire (Interpretation Challenge #1)


I'm really happy with how this turned out. Took me a while though. I am going to leave this open for interpretation. Discuss it and try to figure out what the poem means. I will give the meaning of this poem in a few days. Good luck.

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Literary / Poetry / Lyrics