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Monster Kings by Leupstripes

Monster Kings


Nef and a few of his major shards, done for my side account profiles on Valenth. C:
Left to right:

Nefirian Bele-Miriet "Dreamscar" Revecroir - Leupak, genderless. Colonial organism. Administre, Trai Vitoque.
Mastermind behind the Hypothesis Conglomerate, Avatar of Evolution, master fleshsculptor, and excitable chef. Chances are they like you! That may or may not work out in your favor. You'll at least get free food out of it, though.

N. "Phoenix" Moreaux - Erinyi, male pronouns (gender purposefully undefined). Administre, Trai Vitoque.
Lord of the fallen realm Styx, Queen Erinyi, and Harbinger of Apocalypse. Prone to swearing profusely, setting things on fire, and drawing up impromptu summoning circles or swimming in lava for kicks. In his own words, "Yolo!" The only known shard to actually predate Revecroir themself, although no one has quite figured out how the hell that works yet.

Silent Rosegarden - Meta, genderless.
Blizzark, the Mobile Fortress-- Mother of All Meta and Lord of Meteaux. Reclusive and suspicious of all humanoids. Has zero patience or tolerance for anyone who threatens their children. Or anyone else, in all honesty.

Arches Millet - Esque, genderless.
The Rebel Shard, Firstborn. Created by Nef to research their ability to split their soul into multiple fragments, called "shards". Experiment was considered a success... up to the point where Nefirian realized Arches had developed a mind and personality of their own and broke free of the pocket dimension he was held within, beginning a tradition of rivalry and vengeance that continued for decades.

Nef still liked them anyway, much to their extreme annoyance.

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