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Adventures in the Dragonlands Volume 1 by Leon 13

Adventures in the Dragonlands Volume 1

Leon 13

We now return to the adventures of Scale Pamp!

When we last left off, Nixie (who turned herself into a dragon to better fit in the area) had reunited with her lost son Leon, who lost his clothes after being thrown into a lava pit by a bully. Nixie attempted to construct a scale diaper for him with her magic, but her magic was unstable in this new body and not only did the diaper end up on her butt, but it also couldn’t be removed, much to Leon’s delight. She also found she could not teleport them home, so they would need to perform a special ritual to do so.

Stuck in the baby garment, Nixie used the remains of her loincloth to make Leon a fundoshi-like garment to preserve his modesty while they journeyed to locate materials for the ritual. On their travel, Nixie endured the taunts of many dragons they passed by. Her patience was thinning rapidly. As they passed through a volcano, they crossed paths with the Dragon Lord, who made a remark that finally pushed Nixie over the edge.

(Ember is referring to another scale-diaper dragoness OC who belongs to a friend of mine)

I was recently tutored by a friend on how to use a more reliable support layer and how to draw better arms and legs. I’m really happy with the results!

Visual Description:

On the Lower right is Nixie, now a tall slender bipedal dragoness. She has a light blue scale belly with claw shaped fins on her cheeks, a long snout, and a plume-like fin on the top of her head. She still has her unicorn horn on her forehead. She is wearing a blue and black tribal bra held together by a gold plate over her right breast with a blue triangle on it and she is wearing an elastic-like diaper made of dark blue scales. She is holding the hand of Leon to the left of her, his waistline is off camera, obscuring his lower attire.

In the background is dragon lord Ember, clad in her gold and brown armor while holding the bloodstone scepter in her right hand. Her left hand is extended towards Nixie while she has a cheerful, if somewhat teasing, expression. She says:

“My My, another Mature Dragon who can’t stop piddling? Is this a new trend?”

Nixie has her right hand on the back of her diaper butt as she grits her teeth and scowls while blushing. Leon looks up at his mother with a disturbed expression.

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional