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Christmas Trap by Leon 13

Christmas Trap

Leon 13

(Whilst deciding on how to draw another nude pic of Takoda, I was watching Ashens review the Yeah, you see where this is headed.)

Takoda always had this “thing” on Christmas. Every since she was 5, she would always manage to sneak downstairs and get a look at her presents before repackaging them. Though her repackaging was sloppy at first, she gradually got better until her parents couldn’t tell she opened them, until she showed a lack of surprise the next morning. She continued this behavior, even as a teenager.

Fortunately, her parents prepared a little surprise for her this year.

Takoda peeked through her bedroom to door make sure no one else was awake. Quietly, she creeped into the hallway, clad in a light blue nightgown and black diaper (her over-reliance on them left her partially incontinent, so she had to wear them more frequently). Silently closing her door, she sneaked down into the living room, where their beautiful Christmas tree was set up.

Sneaking towards the den, she surveyed the group of presents under the tree. Her keen eyes spotted a present with her name on it. Kneeling down, she carefully undid the ribbon and opened the box’s flaps. Inside, she saw a large rectangular handheld console with the screen in the middle.

“What the? Is this from the 90s.” She wondered.

Takoda picked up the console and got to her feet. She saw the words “” on the bottom of the screen. Turning it on, she found a list of options on the screen, such as playing the game, a planner, a calculator, and solitaire. Takoda selected the Game option and it began to load the game on the cartridge. She was surprised to see that it was Resident Evil 2, a game she never expected to see on a handheld console.

The Game immediately started, and she was playing as Leon S Kennedy. Unfortunately, she didn’t know how the controls worked and a zombie ate him. Unknown to Takoda, she unintentionally activated a trap laid by her parents. When she removed the from the box, she released the weight on a small pressure plate on the bottom of the box.

A Series of servos inside the stump of the Christmas tree began to wind up. Takoda was too focused on the game to notice. Without warning, the servos in the Christmas tree activated. The tree rotated at a very high speed before suddenly stopping. Takoda didn’t even realize what happened, she just felt a very heavy breeze. And yet, when it ended, she still felt it…

Takoda then finally realized it, she was naked. Holding back a scream, she looked around, wondering where her clothes went. She saw her nightgown, torn to the point where it couldn’t be worn, hanging from the tree. Then she saw her diaper, impaled on the star at the top of the tree.

Takoda realized that this must have been divine retribution for this little act. She bent over to put the back in it’s box, leaving her bare dragon rear on display. She carefully managed to repackage the box so it looked like it wasn’t touched. She then removed her diaper and nightgown from the tree.

Though they couldn’t be worn anymore, she covered her crotch with then as she began to sneak back to her room. Thankfully, no one had gotten up yet, so she was able to get back into her room without any trouble. She threw her nightgown and ruined diaper onto her bed as she went over to her dresser to get some new clothes.

Meanwhile, Takoda’s mother was stirred from her sleep by the sound of her Cell phone vibrating. Rising up from the bed, she took it and looked at a message she received, which caused a big smile to form on her lips. Her husband, stirred from his sleep as well, sat up and asked her what happened. Takoda’s mother showed him a picture on her phone, which was of Takoda bending over, naked and embarrassed. They both shared a laugh at the little trap they made.

(Normally, when shading, I used a solid brush, but this time, I used an acrylic style brush and it looks really good. Should I use this more?)

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Visual / Traditional