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Parker's Past 8 (Giants can't change diapers) by Leon 13

Parker's Past 8 (Giants can't change diapers)

Leon 13

Zephyros took the diaperless Parker over to a table and set him down. After slipping into a fresh Fundoshi, Zephyros came back with some diapers left by Veit.

“I can probably get it on myself.” Parker said.

“It’s alright. I’ve had some diaper change experience when I changed Veit a few times.” Zephyros said.

Parker laid down with his legs up, curious to see how a giant dragon like his father could perform a diaper change of his size. Zephyros first got a bottle of baby powder his size and put some on Parker’s rear. The sheer size caused Parker’s entire lower half to be covered in baby powder. Zephyros was able to blow most of it off thankfully.

Zephyros got two extended tweezers and grabbed a cloth diaper with them. He looped Parker’s little tail through the back hole and folded them over his pelvis.

“Now for the pin.” Zephyros said.

Zephyros carefully picked up a safety pin with the tweezers while holding up the folds of Parker’s diaper with the other. The tweezers with the pin shook hard and Parker became nervous. Zephyros unknowingly lifted up with the folds of Parker’s diaper, lifting him slightly into the air. Zephyros was still too focused on aligning the pin with the diaper.

Parker was almost suspended vertically the longer it took. In fact, he actually slipped out of the diaper! Zephyros finally put the pin in the diaper, only to see that Parker fell out of it. Zephyros tried several more times, ripping one diaper, and stretching out another.

“Maybe you could diaper yourself better than me.” Zephyros said, admitting defeat.

After a few minutes, Parker managed to change himself into a comfortable cloth diaper.

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