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Digimon: NeoSphinxmon by Le Cirque du Noir

Digimon: NeoSphinxmon

Le Cirque du Noir

Name: NeoSphinxmon

Level: Ultimate

Attribute: Vaccine

Type: Mythical Animal Digimon

Family: Nature Spirits, Virus Busters, Wind Guardians

Previous Form: Sphinxmon

Next Form: [REDACTED]


Jewel of the Nile - Fires a beam of bright energy from the jewel on its chest plate and the eyes of the snake on his headdress, damaging enemy digimon.
Rain of Judgement - Flaps his wings causing a shower of feathers to fall upon the enemy piercing them like knives
Riddle of the King- The gems on his body glow, and a unleash a blast of light energy is release from his mouth.

Description: NeoSphinxmon is a Holy Beast Digimon whose name is designed and derived from the word Neo (meaning: New) and the Egyptian Sphinx. This digimon is said to have been produced when the recombiant data from AncientSphinxmon mixed with the data of a Holy Beast Digimon. It helmet and chest plate are made of Chrome Digizoid, and it bears a holy ring on its tail marking it as a Holy Species Digimon with a regal appearence. No one has seen NeoSphinxmon in recent years and it is said by some this digimon didn't exist at all. Others say it is a hermit living its days out in the wild remote regions of the Digital World, waiting for the day when it is needed.

It is also said that NeoSphinxmon serves as a guardian of treasures and a teacher. Often delighting in riddle games, they offer valuable knowledge as the prize for these games.

Digimon (C) Bandai

NeoSphinxmon (C) Me

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    I'd just like to say that this is beautiful! I never really liked Nefertimon. Something about their face always got me and I'd always wanted a really cool looking Sphynx-like Digimon.
    The design for this 'mon is very pleasing and I quite like the face shape!

    • Link

      Thank you very much! I have to say, While I liked Nefertimon, Something about her always left me wanting, and so I started designing this guy, and he's been in the works for years. So its exciting that someone likes him, and has a similar opinion :D

      • Link

        Agreed! I think it was the stone, solid sphynx face. Kind of squicked me out OnO Always watching!
        It's good to see some good designs in this fandom!<3