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A Ride Through The Park by LaurenRivers

A Ride Through The Park


Lauren sat in the carriage, her hooves pressed against Chris's as they looked into each other's eyes. The afternoon was pleasant, and the day had gone wonderfully. Chris had prepared a picnic lunch after a morning of riding, after which they had enjoyed a leisurely afternoon carriage trip through the park.

"It's so lovely, isn't it? It's too rare we get to spend time with each other like this," Lauren said.

"I agree, it's a perfect day." Chris smiled, placing his hands on her arms and pulling her into a kiss.

Lauren held the kiss for several long moments before she pulled away and blushed. "That was one hell of a kiss."

"Yuck. Can you two at least keep your clothes on?" The horse pulling the cart stopped abruptly and turned her head around. Young Topaz, who had attempted to 'borrow' a transformative equine amulet, had been promptly caught and was now serving her sentence as a draft mare. Lauren had decided on the punishment, seeing as she thought it appropriate that the punishment fit the crime. She snorted at the water caster.

"You behave yourself, young lady. You're lucky that we had them tailor you some clothes, or else you'd be spending the next two weeks naked." Lauren reminded her with a firm look, and then softened her expression. "I don't know about you, but I'm rather enjoying you in this form. I love having a not so little pony."

"Hey! You promised to turn me back! I want my paws!" Topaz grumbled.

Lauren covered her mouth as she giggled. "I know, I will. Though for right now, be a dear, would you, and pull us around the park a few more times."

"This is so humiliating..." Topaz stuck her tongue out.

"If you're good, I'll give you an apple for dessert."

Topaz snorted again and trotted forward, grumbling to herself.

Chris smirked. "She does look kind of cute that way."

Art by jameless

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    Topaz looks quite grumpy. x3
    Which makes her even more adorable.

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      I love the tongue. :) She's quite annoyed at being stuck in her feral horse body. :)

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    I miss riding on a horse carraige, it's so relaxing :)

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      I've only done it once. It was wonderful. :)