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Whiskey by LaurenRivers



Nate was a bat just on the verge of becoming an adult male. He had decided to celebrate his manhood by finding a girl at a bar and doing the guy thing. He'd found a lovely vixen by the name of Whiskey who'd offered to do just about anything he wanted. She was no lady, but she was certainly a woman. He wanted her. The fact that she was so sensual in her every touch didn't hurt either.

Whiskey rubbed herself all over his body the entire time they were in the bar, though at the time he noticed she was drinking an awful lot. She even seemed to put something in her own drink, and when they had sex in the motel later that night she took off everything except for a gold bracelet with the infinity symbol on it. He felt the most incredible orgasm he'd ever experienced, and fell asleep.

The next morning, he awake with no clothes on. It'd been one hell of a night. He wasn't surprised that Whiskey was nowhere to be seen. He'd half expected it. His clothes were gone, only her dress and pearl bracelet sat on the dresser. "She took my wallet." He cursed as he saw his keys were gone as well.

It took a moment, but he snapped to the fact that his voice had sounded feminine. He jumped to his feet and rushed to the mirror. It wasn't his reflection. It was Whiskey's. He was looking at her face. He let the blanket fall to the ground, and saw his breasts. Her breasts. His glance lowered to between his legs, where there was no male anatomy as he'd expected, but a perfectly formed female reproductive system. Nate felt his maleness as if it were still there, but he wasn't a male.

He was trapped in Whiskey's body. He touched the mirror in disbelief. "Unbelievable. She stole my manhood. Literally. I hook up with a girl, and she steals my body."

Nate sighed, and gathered up her clothes. A small stack of bills fell out. Just enough for the cost of the room. "How considerate." He grumped to himself.

'Whiskey' slipped on her dress and sighed. "Better than being naked. At least she left me her ID."

Photomanip by neonhyena
Whiskey is laurenrivers

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Visual / Digital