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What's The Hurry? by LaurenRivers

What's The Hurry?


Countless hours had been spent in the Professor's lab while Lauren attempted to reverse her transformation. Weeks ago her body was transformed into an example of the crux species. Having completed her mission in the area, Lauren sought a return to her natural form.

It had not been easy to analyze the crux matrix and determine the correlation to the zebra double helix. A sample of her live cells had been the most difficult thing to obtain. Fortune smiled on her as the Professor's lab contained everything she would need in terms of chemicals and equipment.

She toiled most of the day for weeks, sleeping only when her body demanded rest. She had almost cracked it. The only thing that was stopping her was the infuriating crux genetic code. It insisted on overriding any genes it found, turning them to its own likeness. Lauren had watched sample after sample of her genes become crux cells, and had only one final preserved container remaining.

Lauren mixed the sample with the newest formula and waited. At first nothing happened. She held her breath, wondering if this too would fail, leaving her trapped in a crux body for a while longer. If it proved a failure, she would need to return to her homeland still in this altered state. She could find more samples of her genes there.

The substances reacted and turned white. She touched her paw to her chest and let out a relieved sigh. "I did it. I can change back."

The Professor rushed into the lab and grabbed her by the arms. "Wait!"

"What?" she asked.

"Don't be in such a hurry to change back," he said. His eyes were wide with a pleading expression. He held her in a protective embrace, not wanting to let her go. "Please, stay a while longer."

Lauren was torn. She knew that she had friends and family to go back to once her mission was completed. However, she would not have survived if the Professor had not extended his protection and hospitality when she first arrived. Altered into a crux she had been too weak to protect herself and had no allies nearby. He had offered her his home.

"I miss my old self," she said in explanation.

The chemical mixture shook inside the beaker as he pulled her to him. "Yes, but you'll have plenty of time to be a zebra. Don't you want to see what being a crux is all about?"

"I've been one for weeks."

"Yes, you've been in a crux body, but you haven't really been a crux. Why don't you let me show you what having feet can be like? Ever have a foot rub?" he asked. The Professor smiled.

Lauren set the beaker down. "No, I haven't..."

"Besides, if you go back like this, you can turn some of your friends, maybe take them by surprise, just for a little while, of course. One thing you'll learn cruxes like is mischief." The Professor placed his hand on her back and escorted her out of the lab.

Lauren is me
Professor is enkaixiomasa
Art by rhia

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Visual / Digital