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Welcome back, little bookworm by KrissieFox

Welcome back, little bookworm


hm? Now who could this little one be, joining me in the park for a good read? A younger vision of myself? One of my beloved and I's future little ones?..

I used to love reading. It was my main way to pass the time back in middle school. As I moved onto high-school, there were less restrictions at home (such as how long I was allowed to play my video games per day) and between video games, and later the internet (though for a while I was hooked on Sonic the hedgehog fanfiction), I was sucked more and more into a fast-paced instant gratification world. Didn't really ever take the time to sit down and read books much anymore.

I'd noticed lately my love spending a lot of time, cozied up on the couch, reading assorted Terry Pratchett books. I decided to join her in reading in our couch-blanket-nest one night, I think starting with Terry Pratchetts small Gods, which I'd been reading on and off the last few YEARS (as a testiment to how impatient I'd gotten with books)then "Kingdom Come", a great superhero story, finishing my "Squee!" book, then Bram Stokers Dracula. Currently I've been working on the stack of discarded books we'd acquired from the local gym. All kinds of neat stuff in there.

Wow. books. Holy shit, books! laughs I am so happy I got back into reading. I've often praised video games as my favorite art medium, but I might have to share that as a tie with books. I had forgotten that magical feeling of being pulled into the story, blanketed by my own imagination - it's still there! I just had to dust it off! I feel it's helped get all my other creative juices flowing again, as over the years I'd felt my sense of creativity, atleast in drawing, was draining..

Do yourself a favor, guys. Turn off the phone, the computer, the ipod, spend a day at the local library and let your imagination soar with you...

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