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Old Rivals by Kompy

Old Rivals


"Inka Blümchen..."

"Pandora Cilene. I see that, even now, you remain a sore loser. A shame. I would have expected age and experience to have taught you better. You set a bad example to your students with that attitude, you know."

"That was no mere game. You practically declared war on us out there! This was supposed to have been a simple practice game between out teams and yet your students deliberately bullied and injured mine while you simply stood there and watched!"

"This is football, ein Kumpel. This is not a game one plays if they wish to stay clean and unharmed. You know that better than anyone, Pandora. Back when we competed against each other, you were exceptionally nasty when you were fired up. Don't get me wrong, I am over it now, but, well...the scar is in my heart and on my face still. Do not expect me to feel sympathy for you or that armselig team of yours anytime soon."

"*Cale-se, lagarta! * I am not like that anymore, nor will I allow you to belittle my team just because of my past mistakes! They do not deserve this humiliation!"

"In that case...why not a real game next time? No more mere playing."

"Consider it done. One month from now, you and your team will be the ones eating dirt."

"Bring it on, little bug. I will be waiting."

....Aaaaaaand for some odd reason I decided to take another break from commissions/requests to draw out this tiny scene that's been rolling around my head recently, with a new character to boot. What inspired this?

Well, for a while, I've had a weird thing about giving my Treeko-line pokemon in the games German names.

And I have a Poke-Brazilian soccer coach.

And I've been occasionally glancing over at what is going on in the 2014 World Cup... can figure out the rest from there :P

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Visual / Digital