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Poke Charms by Kimi

Poke Charms


Yay they are all done! The 1st batch didn't turn out so well since I used a printer shrinky dink doesn't recommend (and now I know why) but it was a good thing I happened to have a 2nd printer (still in its box so I had to set it up) that worked so much better! This is the 2nd batch and it's darn near perfect! (I have to lighten some of them more next time or bump the contract up a bit)

Although I had to steal the phone strap from another one of my charms so I could have one on my furret which is now on my phone

Made with Shrinky Dink with a coating of spray on UV-Protective Acrylic.

the Pokemon seen here belong to The Pokemon Company, Nintendo/Creatures and Game Freak
Art belongs to me. Please do not alter, distribute, sell or post anywhere without my permission.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    Those are so cute!
    If you don't mind me asking, how do you get your lines to be sooooo smooth and consistent.

    • Link

      Thank you!
      For these 6 in particular I used the Figure tool on a Vector layor in Manga Studio 5 with a line width of 6 for most of the lines. It's a really handy tool I first learned how to use in Gimp to make my line art. It takes a bit of fiddling to get them to look smooth, but it pays off in the end.

      • Link

        Ohh, okay! I'd love to get Manga Studio one day, seems like a really good program.
        Thanks for answering me, as well. ^^

        • Link

          No problem!
          I really like Manga Studio. A bunch of my art friends kept talking about it so when I went to check it out, it was on sale! I'm not sure if it is anymore but I don't regret buying it. It's like SAI but with some more tools that I wanted.

          • Link

            Cool! I use SAI and I really like it but there are tools that it doesn't have that I do wish it had.

            • Link

              yea, that was another reason why I decided to get Manga. I want to make a nuzlock eventually but SAI doesn't have the tools that I need to make a comic where as Manga is made for that. also having those tools for other projects is really handy.

              • Link

                Makes sense~

                Making lines is hard with the line tool on SAI, to me, but it's okay for now...but yeah, totally wanna get Manga studio

                • Link

                  Not sure If I used the line tool. I always just used the pen for my lines, but sometimes I get annoyed cause I would redo a stroke quite a few times.

                  • Link

                    I have shaky hands so drawing lines is really difficult for me, if I want them to be strait. xD

                    • Link

                      dumb hands, being shaky. I know my lines would turn out kinda bad if I hit the bad spot on my tablet. The middle is scratched up. Another reason why I like having the vector lines. I just lay down dots for the line then move those dots if it's not quite right.

                      • Link

                        I agree, that's much better.