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Hand gets toonified, 2016 remix (animated gif) by KeweyTanuki

Hand gets toonified, 2016 remix (animated gif)


"When you go down to the Tooniverse today, you better look the part.."

Decided to see what I could do with the old toonerising hand given all this extra knowhow I've accumulated since April 2015 when I did the original (posted at for comparison)


The pipeline was fully open-source = Blender, Krita and VirtualDub. No cracked After Effects or Photshop required. Yay!

The hand was photographed in front of a greenscreen and rigged up with an armature in the usual way. The cartoon glove is a 3D model sourced from Blendswap - (CC-BY marnoulle). I rounded out the fingers and put the three classic cartoon slits on the back of the glove.

I tweaked the 2015 animation so the silhouette and movement of the hand matched the glove a lot more closely. The transition between the hand and glove is a cross-fade with some jittering. I was going to try morphing but matching the movement meant a cross-fade worked just fine.

After the first composite was done I decided it looked a bit dull so I brought the frame sequence into Krita and added some hand-drawn magical lightning stuff. I composited the lighting back over the footage in Blender - apparently the trick to getting cheesy 1980s optical-print effects is to render the effects on a black background then Add during composite instead of mixing with an alpha. Now you know!

Animated the background reacting to the glove fwoomph as a last-minute thing. Krita again. Yay.

Submission Information

Visual / Animation


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      don't forget the crackleSHWOOMP

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    This is really hypnotic.

    The little lightning effects add a lot! It's cool to see what comes out of a year's worth of experimenting and practice.

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      Thanks! Also thanks for complimenting the lightning! :) The lightning dart between each fingertip hits a couple of frames before they start to swell up so it sort of grabs the attention and draws the eye into seeing the fingers swell up. The blue lightning creates an imploding motion which balances the eventual exploding motion of the glove. A nice symmetry I think!