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The better to devour you with, my child! by Kernac

The better to devour you with, my child!


-Art by Puca-Puca.

Once upon a time there was a dear little girl who was loved by everyone who looked at her. She always wore a red velvet hood, so people called her little red riding hood. Once day her mother tasked her to bring a little piece of cake and her bottle of wine to her grandmother: "Don't stray from the path and don't talk to strangers!" She cautioned the child.

"I will take great care!" Little red replied before taking off. The grandmother lived in the woods, half a league from the village. Just as the little girl entered the forest, she met with a particularly cunning wolf. The beast was imposing, standing almost 8 feet tall, he could no doubt make short work of the child, yet she feared not the devious fiend.

"Good day, little red riding hood~!" He said.

"Thank you kindly, mister wolf!" She politely replied. The wolf hungered and thought the girl could make a good snack, however the huntsman lurked nearby. Perhaps a more subtle approach would be best to fill his gurgling stomach!

"Whither away so early, little red?" He gentlemanly inquired.

"To my grandmother's! She lives deep into the woods in a little pink cottage." The girl answered.

"Ah~ I know this house well, the path to the left is a shortcut!" The wolf explained. The little girl thanked the predator and took the path indicated by the beast. The path she took was actually longer and while she gathered flowers from the bushes the wolf ran as fast as he could to beat her to grandma's house. He knocked on the door, licking his black lips in anticipation for the meal.

"Who is there?" The old lady asked.

"Its me, little red riding hood~! I brought a little piece of cake and a bottle of wine!" The wolf answered, disguising his voice. "Open the door~"

"Lift the hatch, I am too weak and cannot get up." The grandmother said.

The wolf lifted the latch, the door sprang open, and without saying a word he went straight to the grandmother's bed and swallowed her in a single, greedy gulp. Ggglllooouuppss~! The old lady vanished down this beastly esophagus with innerving ease, she slid smoothly into the gastric depths of the wolf's body, never to be seen again. Uurrrppss~ The fiend tapped his rounded tummy, his hunger somewhat satisfied. "Ummm, not bad! Alright, time for dessert~" He sighed happily, putting on grandma's night cap and glasses before getting into her bed.

A bit later, little red arrived at the cottage. She lifted the hatch and entered the dimly lit dwelling. "Hello grandmother, I brought you a little piece of cake and a bottle of wine." She announced, arriving at grandma's bed. Something was off, the old lady looked quite strange! "Oh grandmother, what big ears you have!" She said.

"All the better to hear you with, my child." The wolf replied, snickering softly. "Come closer child, my eyesight isn't what it used to be."

"But grandmother, what big hands you have!" The little girl noticed, getting a bit nervous.

"All the better to hug you with, my child." The grim beast replied, his stomach groaning softly as it worked on the old lady. GGrrrlloowwwrrr~

"But grandmother, what big belly you have!" The girl exclaimed, stunned at the dome-like shape under the sheets.

"All the better to digest my food with, my child." The wolf explained, gooey saliva dripping from his mouth. The little girl couldn't help but stare into the wolf's maw as he talked. She was fascinated and frightened by how deep and cavernous it was. This fleshy chasm was full of yellowish, jagged teeth. They appeared worn and grotesquely misshapen, even for a wolf.

"But grandmother, what big teeth you have!" The little girl uttered, shaking in terror. The hungry beast simply smiled, slowly opening his monstrous like a slow, deliberate yawn. The horrified girl now observed this all-consuming pit in all its glory. From the thick strands of drools breaking off to the snake-like, hypnotically undulating tongue beckoning her into this organic sinkhole. Truly a soul shattering sight to behold! "Gran... Gran... Gandmother... What terribly big mouth you have!"

"All the better to devour you with, my child!" The wolf proclaimed before suddenly pouncing on the terrified girl, sloppily ingesting his prey with a primal, animalistic glee. From his smelly mouth, little red was forced past his uvula and down his ogre-like gullet, soon there was nothing left of her. Slurping her red cloak like a tasty, velvety noodle, the ravenous fiend licked his black lips and patted his bulging tummy: The girl had been a satisfying meal. "Say hello to grandma on the way down, will ya?" He joked, snickering deviously. The voracious monster then lazily flopped himself onto the bed to sleep off this rather large meal.

Little red was gone now, she had been consumed by the big bad wolf. Inside the belly of the beast, the little girl and her grandmother were mercilessly digested, the predator's stomach working tirelessly to break down the two females into nutritive mush to be absorbed by the wolf's body. They were churned and sloshed around by this fleshy cauldron until nothing was left of them. In the end, little red and grandma became a permanent addition to the big bad wolf's very round and jiggly tummy. Not even their souls were spared, their essence fused within the beast's fatty tissue.

-The end.

Just a little pic of the big bad wolf after having ingested little red, drawn by the very talented Puca-Puca!

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