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Cat by keida



Totem of the day is Cat! Cats come in a range of breeds and should be studied for particular attributes according to the breed, but this information will cover general Cat facts. The subject featured in this illustration is my own little boy Carl. When Cat totem shows up, you must listen intently to your intuitive senses for they will enable you to know and hear if you have an ancestor wishing to contact you. Mysticism and magic is growing stronger in the coming time and should be paid attention to. Self-sufficiency will be increasingly important right now. A state of transition is approaching where something in your life will be replaced with a more appropriate fit for you. Take time to dance slowly, luxuriating in your grace. If a wild cat comes to you, this could mean it is a time to undertake something completely different than you would normally do. You may need to rid yourself of negative influences. The Cat totem is known for it's connection to magic, independence, and mystery. Cats have been revered as magical creatures in many cultures. In Scandinavian lore, the cat is a familiar of the Goddess of fertility, Freyja, while in Hindu lore the Goddess of childbirth, Shasthi, rides upon a cat. In Ancient Egypt, cats were seen as connections to the Gods and regarded with respect. Bast, the cat-headed Egyptian Goddess, was worshiped in Lower Egypt as a symbol of protection against diseases and evil spirits as well as a defender of the Pharaoh. People who connect with Cat are graceful, mysterious and often in touch with their sensual side. These individuals will listen deeply from their instincts over other's advice and sometimes can be oblivious to others. Independent and creative, they can often be most productive at night.

Cat, Felis Catus, are carnivorous mammals that can live up to 5 years old in the wild while they can live up to 17 to 20 years old as indoor domesticated animals. Cats can be found all over the world except for Antarctica and live in a wide range of habitats from forests and grasslands to coastal areas, tundras, mountains, wetlands, and urban areas. There are 73 breeds of cat according to the International Progressive Cat Breeders Alliance. These can range from the smallest breeds such as the Singapura which is half the size of other breeds or the Munchkin which possesses legs much shorter than other breeds to large breeds such as the Maine Coon which can reach a weight up to 25 pounds. The Egyptian Mau is the third largest cat breed and can be traced to origins in Egypt. The average cat reaches around 28 inches in length and typically weighs between 9 and 10 pounds. The terms domestic long-hair or domestic short-hair are not breeds, but rather descriptive terms used for breeds that fall into those categories. Cats have an anatomy very similar to their larger big cat relatives. Slender and long, these animals have vertebrae in their tail which allows for increased flexibility and spinal mobility. To aid in squeezing into small spaces after prey, the front legs are attached with free-floating clavicles or collarbones. The skull of a cat is unique in it's larger eye sockets and they possess a specialized jaw with teeth adapted for fatal neck bites. Their canine teeth are spaced shortly apart compared to other species in order to more easily bite the smaller vertebrae of their preferred rodent prey. They are actually unable to chew and must tear their food. Retractable claws are kept sharp, clean, and out of the way until needed. Another unique feature of cats is the way they move. With each step, they place their hind paws directly into the prints of their fore paws in order to lessen noise and left-over tracks while increasing footing on rough terrain. Cats also possess a 'jogging' motion when running similar to giraffes and camels in which they move two legs on one side of the body before the legs on the other side. As they speed up, this will change to a diagonal gait moving the opposite hind and fore legs simultaneously such as that in lizards. Cats are able to withstand higher temperatures by being able to reduce the flow of blood to their skin and evaporate heat through their mouths. They sweat through their paws, however, will pant to reduce heat at very high temperatures. Night vision is aided by the tapetum licidum which is a layer of tissue behind the retina which reflects light back through the eye to increase the light available to their eye. Their pupils are also slitted, being able to dilate their eyes to increase the amount of light exposed in their vision. Cats also have hearing among the best of any mammal and this ability to hear ultrasound enables them to hunt easier with large movable ears that can amplify and detect the source of noises. Even their sense of smell is incredible, however, their sense of taste is lowered and they are not able to taste sweetness. They do possess a Jacobson's organ in their mouth similar to lizards that enables them to 'taste' scents. The diet of a cat is strictly carnivorous. They require high levels of protein and will feed on a range of small mammals. Food is chosen for it's texture, smell, and temperature. They have an innate ability to sense when foods are not good to be eaten due to these temperaments and are known to avoid cold or unpleasant foods. Cats do not have a particular breeding season. Females can go into heat multiple times in a year and will have litters consisting of 3 to 5 kittens. These kittens are born with closed eyes that do not begin to open for up to ten days after birth. They are weaned around 6 and 7 weeks old and reach maturity between 5 and 10 months of age.

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    This is really amazing, great texture and shading!

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