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S0UVENIR DE4TH by Katrica



Like wildfire, there is a new trend circulating the souvenir stalls of the underworld that is taking tourists pockets by storm and raising a new, if slightly expensive, trend that everybody seems to want in on. For 'only' several silver coins you can bag yourself a great new accessory for your keychain or anything that needs spicing up, with what is considered the most genius idea around - the living keychain. You heard it, the living keychain! Sealed without a single threat to leaking, water is held within a flexible, soft but sturdy plastic, in which it holds a creature of your choice. Naturally, the human species is a great hit, but these dainty and very stylish pockets also hold a variety of creatures from the Earthern realm, including crocodiles, sharks, even dolphins! Each keychain is sealed with enough air for the creature to live at least two months, nutrients in the water ensuring they can survive. Tourists claim to buy sevral at a time, fashioning them to their bags to show off to their friends.

Who needs fake plastic creatures when you can have a real life human hanging with your keys? Any tourist spot in the underworld is guaranteed to have various stalls selling these items in competition. And, don't forget, you can haggle them for a more affordable price and collect every creature!

My OC, Leorina. I hate knowing that this sort of thing happens in reality, except with small beings like baby turtles.

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