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Map of Wing Haven by Kalahan

Map of Wing Haven


Here's the map of the world of Wing Haven! :meow: It only took an eternity, but it's finally done! Right now, it only shows the continents and islands. I don't really have anything Political done yet. That's going to have to be added later, if at all. :D

So there are 6 Major Continents: Koroth'Kan, Thiro'Kan, Bairas'Ko, Praethron, Spira'Kai, and Jiro'Doth. Along with three sets of islands: Talmid Isles, Shirin'To Islands, and The Islands of Redeemed Carnage. Yeah, I realize that last set has a mouthful of a name. X3 Forgive the locals for thinking it's the debris left over from a fight! Course, the two bays shaped like roaring animals heads don't help.

Not sure if you'll notice, but there are 8 Entities embedded within the very forms of the Land Masses. Some should be obvious, but not all are obviously named.

To the Koroth'Kan northwest, the two dueling Element-breathers: Thlan and Roth.

Far down to the southern coast of Koroth'Kan lies Gen'Sin, who watches the Talmid Isles. Among the Talmid Isles like Gakure, whose element-breathing head lies at the southern edge of the cluster.

At Thiro'Kan, in the Bay of Beasts, Galthun and Fal'Tron face off, the Islands of Redeemed Carnage being thought of as the debris of their duels.

To the east of Galthun and Fal'Tron is Torun, breathing the fire of an Island, home to the Burning Rock.

Lastly is the mightiest, grandest, and most revered of the 8 Entities: Althron.

Althron is the land jutting out of the northeast of Spira'Kai that resembles Norway/Sweden. You may notice the mountains there are his Helmet, the inlet of water going into it is his Maw, and the sea above his head is his. BTW, you may wonder what those dots coming out from between Althron's horns there. Well, newsflash...those aren't just horns! That bay there is actually a 'hole' in Althron's head where the smoke from his bio-furnace lets out! Hence the dots: those are rock spires midst the Sea that the locals call "Althron's Smokestack".

If you go down the eastern coast of Spira'Kai, down around the desert islands of Shirin'To, you'll notice more rock spires. The ones near the mountains called "The Fool's Wall"? Well, the reason for the mountain range's name is actually directly tied to the Desert above, the desert islands, and the rock spires. See, the population of that forested area there think that the entire world save their home is nothing but desert. Well, with the dangerous mountain blocking the West, the Desert to the North, and the fact that the only Islands they've managed to reach are deserts...

Yeah, I don't blame them for thinking the world is a Wasteland. I blame myself for making them think that! XD

There's a similar thing going on across the Islands from them, over at the Isolated Desert. Only difference, they've got more of a chance of finding greener grass. X3

Almost forgot, that Island there in the exact middle of the world? The Island of Creation? That was the very first spot of land ever to have existed on Wing Haven. It was on this island that the Oracle, Creator and Defender of Wing Haven, formed the world using only a simple rock. That simple rock changed over the course of Creation, but that's another story.

You might be wondering why there is a spot of green down there on Bairas'Ko, aka the Wing Havien Antarctica. That's simple, the bay there is fed by a powerful hot spring that gives life to everything within a few miles of it. That's why everything within the ring of mountains is Tropical, but anything outside is Alpine that almost immediately turns to Arctic.

I have a couple of credits to make.

Thanks Lauralien, for letting me use the same colors and methods she did. :3

Thanks whoever-in-the-world made this: World Mercator Grid I took that map in Paint Tool Sai and edited it till it became what you see above. Well, all parts except for Thiro'Kan and the Islands. Those were free-drawn. :D

This map is my work, of my world, of my story. Don't...touch...

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