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Ixxith Ref 1 by Antinov

Ixxith Ref 1


Ixxith are a species out of my canon universe, one of the more recently fleshed out, well, getting fleshed out, it has only been a year with some minor tinkering on the side.

The short of it is Ixxith are an aquatic dragon like species native to the Zeiophine system and the oldest race therein. These caustic dragons created other sapient species, terraformed worlds in their system and achieved a status not unlike gods before their society collapsed.

Their civilization vanished and was consumed by the jungles of their home-worlds, their space vessels scuttled and lost and the Ixxith themselves have reverted to a feral state. The species they gave life too still think of them as gods in many cases, and finding an Ixxith is rare, since most lie dormant and stick to the deepest junks and caustic swamps, beneath the all obscuring canopy of their caustic home.

Ixxith are know for their high intelligence, even feral most are brilliant and still sapient, their adaptations for flight and swimming, and their oral excretions of concentrated sodium hydroxide, know to most as caustic ejections or caustic breath.

Most of Ixxith culture is lost to the ages and shrouded in mystery, since their former homes were long overrun by milenia of neglect and jungle growth. They also lie in the deepest reaches of the caustic swamps, or buried under layers and layers of earth.

You can see a whole rainbow of Ixxith colours here:

Art by   FsMaverick

Ixxith are mine.

Ixxith are a closed species.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital